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The common room is full of students of Class 1A. Everyone sits on their seat, while Iida and Ashido walk around, giving plates and the barbecue everyone was looking forward to. Kirishima sits pretty much in the middle of the big table everyone has been helping to put up. Next to him sits Kaminari and on the other side- Bakugou. He's surrounded by all of his friends and is going to eat some really good food, including meat, but still, his feelings are mixed up and he radiates a melancholic mood, while simply glooming down on his empty plate, shoulders hanging.

Bakugou sits with his arms crossed, not minding everyone else, but seems to be worried about Kirishima, though he tries to hide it. His angry look goes from one side of the table to the other, but he stays quiet while everyone else is talking. As soon as they get the food and everyone's sitting, both of them are the only ones not touching it.

„Bruh, what's wrong?" Sero asks from across Kirishima and raises one brow, looking at the not touched plate.

„Oh, I'm fine, just not hungry." Kirishima answers calmly and gives a slight smile from him. The whole table is suddenly quiet, staring at the red head as if he began a crime. He gets nervous.

„Fuck you mean, you're not hungry?" Sero adds and begins to twitch his nose.

„Who are you!?" Ashido then throws in and tilts her head.

„Guys, just- eat. Everything's fine." Kirishima tries to assure, but he gets a grumpy look from Sero and Ashido, though Kaminari begins to dig in.

„Just because he doesn't feel like eating once in his life, doesn't mean anything's wrong!? So I met this girl-" For the first time, Kirishima's happy Kaminari tries to get all the attention and sighs relieved. But Bakugou is the last one not leaving focus of him. Kirishima sees him in his eye sight and frowns, tilting his head down.

„What's wrong?" The blonde asks quietly, deep voice and serious, while he himself doesn't touch the food.
„Nothing." Kirishima reassures.

„Don't sell me for stupid, shitty hair."

„So guys, how's your relationship going?" Without a warning, both get interrupted by Uraraka, who smilingly sits across them on the right side and asks as if it's a simple weather question. Both open their eyes widely and throw their heads over to her. A few others look at them, too.

„Ugh.." Kirishima starts, but Bakugou interrupts him directly.

„Nothing to worry about for you, round face." His answers comes out even grumpier than he normally is. Getting all the attention about this specific subject is really nothing Bakugou prefers.

„He means that it's still pretty fresh and we're- going good." Kirishima translates nervously and fakes a slight smile.

„Oh. Well that's fine. And sorry for being persistent the last couple weeks, you guys are just the first couple in our grade and it's a little exciting!" She claps her hands a little and looks over to Midoriya, who smiles nervously as an answer. Kirishima already feels Bakugou trembling of aggressions, but he doesn't know what to do to calm him down.

„Thanks! I guess.. but it's really nothing we want to go into detail about..." He answers quickly, trying to save the moment and he actually has a good feeling about it. Most of his classmates understand the wish of wanting their privacy.

„Oh really, detail huh? I guess there are a few details which go on in your bedrooms, right!?" Mineta suddenly throws in, lisping his way through the quiet chatter of the others. Suddenly, Bakugou jumps up from his seat and slams his hands on the table.

„There's NOTHING- absolutely nothing any of you wannabes need to know and if you don't shut the hell up, I'm gonna blast all of you to space and watch you blow up! And you grape dick- better watch your fucking tongue and stop talking, before I whoop your virgin ass to hell!" He shouts out hostile, leaving everyone speechless. Kirishima looks up to him with wrinkled eyes and a terrified expression. The rest of the class stares, too.

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