Chapter 2

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Eassah, the Goddess of death, was sitting all alone on a dead grass field when she heard a voice in her head.

"Eassah, get over here now!", Ba'al yelled telepathically.

"Y-Yes Ba'al, I MEAN BOSS!!!", Eassah nervously yelped with a blush on her face.

Eassah teleported to Ba'al

"Eassah, do you know the location of Nana?", Ba'al asked Eassah.

"I-I don't know....", Eassah timidly replied.

Ba'al frowned at Eassah when she said this.

"Don't lie to me, Eassah.", Ba'al said in a much more menacing tone.

"I-I'm....not....", Eassah said, even more scared than she already was.

Ba'al started to get angry, REALLY angry, he raised the destruction hand at Eassah.

"Last chance, Eassah...where is he?", Ba'al growled.

"U-Umm", Eassah stuttered.

"You seem to be around him a lot, I'll ask again.....WHERE IS HE!!!!", Ba'al roared.

"Ok Ok, I'll tell you!", Eassah screamed with fright.

"Good.", Ba'al said, lowering his hand.

Eassah sighed with relief.

"Eassah, could you please tell me where he is.", Ba'al asked in a much softer tone than just a second ago.

H-He's at his cave, like always.", Eassah muttered.

"Oh, well why didn't you just say that!?", Ba'al happily said.

He gave Eassah a bear hug and went through a portal to the cave, Eassah stood there in shock for a second before her face turned bright red and she hid her face with her hood.

Little did the Gods know, they had an "unpleasant" figure watching, spying on them through a crystal ball was Nyarthrop, the Lord of hatred and one of the Great Evils.

"This is going surprisingly....well.", Nyarthrop said with content.

He then closed his many, MANY eyes and started to speak telepathically.

"Can you hear me, master.....master, MASTER!", He called out.

"I can hear you.", A demonic voice said back.

"The Gods still don't know of our presence.", Nyarthrop reported.

"Good....anything else?", The voice asked.

"Yes master, I have discovered the perfect plan to crush that pathetic world.", Nyarthrop said while grinning from his many, hideous mouths.

"....tell me.", The voice said eagerly.

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