Chapter 3

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Nyarthrop explained his plan to the disembodied voice, the voice simply chuckled.

"Very nice plan, very nice indeed...however, before we can start it up, I need to do something....", The voice commended. The voice then disappeared and Nyarthrop opened his many eyes.

Meanwhile, Nana was sitting in his cave when Eassah went through a portal and ran over to him.

"N-Nana, you need to hurry, Ba'al is coming!", She whispered to him.

"What about Ba'al?", A deep menacing voice called out.

Eassah turned around and Ba'al had already arrived.

"Oh Eassah, I trusted you, what were you doing anyway?", Ba'al asked.

"W-Well I was-", Eassah started to speak.

"IT WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION!", Ba'al shouted. Eassah jumped with fright. "I know what you were doing, you were trying to get Nana to leave before I arrived, well...looks like you're out of luck, you two.", Ba'al growled.

"....WHAT'S THAT!?", Nana suddenly shouted, Ba'al quickly turned his head, Eassah grabbed Nana and teleported him somewhere else, Ba'al noticed beforehand and tried to grab them, but was too slow and didn't catch them.

"They got away....THEY GOT AWAY!", Ba'al huffed as he got angrier and angrier. He got up as an aura of destruction energy formed around him.

"GOD FREAKING DANGIIIIIIIT!!!!", Ba'al roared so loudly and so intensely that everyone in the world could hear it and feel the force of the scream.

After he calmed down from his rage, Ba'al turned around and walked out of the cave.

"Forget it, I'll deal with them later.", He scoffed.

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