forty three [half]

91 14 9

"jimin, you're spilling paint all over the floor!" i panicked. he was holding too many things all at once, his body became unbalanced and it was obvious that he needed help.

not to be that person, but i didn't like how she told jimin that he should go by his own when he only asked her to carry the art supplies while he carries all the heavy stuff. ignorant, i thought.

"here, let me give you a hand," i offered as i rushed towards him, bringing down all the cups and brushes that were stacked on top of the boxes that he was holding.

our laughter filled the empty hall as he almost dropped the palette, but he still managed to save it by using his flexible moves. our eyes were fixed on each other, unbothered by how much of a mess we've made due to the watercolour that had no caps on.

"wait, jungmi─"


both of us paused. i almost dropped the sets of acrylic paint that was in my hands, instantly avoiding his gaze that was piercing through my soul.

"s─sorry, i meant jinhyu. can you pass me the tissue?"

i didn't look at him.


funny how you remembered her name but forgotten the one you've known since you were 5.

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