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Amar's Father Jaya Prakash got Heart attack due to excitement..

Amar's Uncle Mohan bring Doctor to their house to give treatment to Jaya Prakash and Doctor said it is just mild stroke nothing to worry he will be normal with in few minutes.

Amar's mother Nandini cried on seeing his Husband condition like this.

Amar send Doctor from his house and said to him that he will call him if anything require.

Nandini without talking to Amar going to her room and Amar felt bad on seeing his mother like this.

Amar : Amma, Are you angry on me? Why are you not talking to me?

Nandini angrily replied to Amar

Nandini : What do you want me to talk with you?That day you pointed me and your father as the reason for you not to marry makes us as a laughing stock among the people

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Nandini : What do you want me to talk with you?That day you pointed me and your father as the reason for you not to marry makes us as a laughing stock among the people. Your Father is such a respectful person in this Society. No one dare to question him .But Today you allowed some outsiders to shout on your father, Now he is in this Condition is this all due to you or not?

Amar felt bad on heard this

Nandini : Among all the People on that day you said there is no Love between us.Love does not mean going to parks and singing songs. Although we have little difference, we were never got insulted like this in Public.Now see how those People abuse my Husband like this, But still he is supporting you.

Now see how those People abuse my Husband like this, But still he is supporting you

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Amar : Amma, Please Listen to me..

Nandini : No,It is not necessary. It is your wish to either to marry or not.May be Your father will supports you even in this Position But I am not like that, I won't spare you.Before you are my Son, He is Husband to me.If anything happen to my Husband due to you I forgot that you are Son to me,Mind it.

Amar became shock on heard this and felt shame on misunderstanding his Parents not loving each other.

Amar cried on thinking about his mother words

Mohan Came to Amar and asked him

Mohan : Amar,Why are you crying?

Amar : See Mama, Even Mom also saying that I am reason for Nanna condition.

Amar : See Mama, Even Mom also saying that I am reason for Nanna condition

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Mohan : Are you not?

Amar : Mama.You also blaming!!

Mohan : Not only me, Anyone can say that you are only the reason for Your father Condition .Just understand your mother position how much she felt hurt on seeing anyone scold his Husband.

Amar : Ok,Fine.I am only reason for this.But Why everyone saying that my thinking is Wrong of not marrying Anu.You tell me,I also have to divorce Anu after our marriage like you did Attaya(Aunty).

Mohan : Amar,I am not understanding Why you are comparing you and Anu with me and your Attaya(Aunty)? Why don't understand,Your Parents still together even they have difference?

Amar can't able to reply for this.

Mohan : I didn't want to Comprise whatever your Attaya said to me, She also like me.We can't able to adjust with each other that why we got separated Because Our Love is weak. After I Got separated with her, on Beginning of my days I am good, But after some days, I felt like if I got adjust with her may be we also can live like your Parents.On that guilty, I am addicted for Drinking because that Pain is still I am feeling of leaving her like that.You are not like me, Anu is not at all like Your Attaya. Your love is Strong but not weak like us.

Amar understood Mohan words

Mohan : I can understand you took this decision on seeing your Parents fighting. Did your mother shouted on you till now But today she scolded you for his Husband, Is that not Love? Please take correct decision before it will get late, Because I don't want to see you like me.

Mohan said this and went out from Amar room

Amar thinking about Mohan Words

Precap : Anu's Marriage - Final Chapter

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Precap : Anu's Marriage - Final Chapter

Please Forgive me if any mistakes are there.I didn't cross Check

I am Very Sorry Friends for this Late Update, I am Busy in office work. Please Forgive me..Next Update also will be Late.

Any one missing my Two Stories You are My Love , Unconfessed Love?

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