thirty-seven ⭐ im sorry

218 6 3

geoff and awsten

I saw your post

do you know what happened?

like his injuries


elisa from our crew texted you

I saved her to your contacts

I was wondering who it was

thank you

I'll ask jawn when I see him

Awsten it's bad

fuck off I don't need a bitch you left me AGAIN to tell me what happened smh

I'm sorry

and stop joking about it. he broke his arm and has a black eye. those are the really obvious injuries

i didn't want to cry until I saw him

I apologize

can I ask you about your post



can you come back to my room I'm lonely


I'm in need of comfort bitch come here or I'm going to figure out your password and spam your story

my password is {pw} if you want it lol

and go ahead and spam my story ;)

my fans and I would love it

okay but I still want you to lay with me smh you're warm and cuddly

I'm walking

and may I remind you that you were the one to cuddlè

not I

ooh so I was doing fancy cuddles huh

the è was a typo smh

but my cuddles were still 10/10 right 😤😤








you should've left it at 11/10

I really should've

you're so cute when you sleep

see you on the other side of the screen \\ ig \\ gawsten ✔Where stories live. Discover now