fifty-four ⭐ departure

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Everyone landed safely in Los Angeles from Portland three hours before, and soon three people will be departing for Texas. One of them is most certainly not ready.

Awsten: {holding Geoff's wrists; teary eyed} I'm scared to leave you.

Geoff: Why?

Awsten: Because I'm afraid to miss you.

Geoff: Then call me.

Awsten: Calling will not suit what I've had.

Geoff: We can always visit each other, you know.

Awsten: Yeah, but it's--

Otto comes running up to the pair.

Otto: We have to get going soon. Our plane leaves in thirty minutes.

Awsten looks back at Geoff, tears falling hard now. Geoff shares his own as the wrap their arms around each other in a tight embrace. Both cry until their shoulders are soaked.

Awsten: {broken} I don't wanna go.

Geoff: Me neither, but we have to. {kisses Awsten's shoulder then releases him, though he holds his hand.}

The two begin to pull apart.

Geoff: Call me.

Awsten: {walking away} I will. {lets go of Geoff's hand} Bye, love you.

Geoff: Love you, too.

They then depart, never looking over their shoulders once.

this was written so badly ohwell

see you on the other side of the screen \\ ig \\ gawsten ✔Where stories live. Discover now