twenty-six ⭐ photo shoot

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I hate this chapter but whatever

geoff and awsten

jawn wants to do a photo shoot of us before the show


because I want professional pictures done smh



whenever I find him

where are you

the main halls

like for staff or people waiting in line


by the doors

there's a lot of people here

actually earlier someone saw me and everybody freaked out so now I'm hiding in a little niche I found where I can see through the doors perfectly but they can't see me


aws be taking his famous life fearfully huh

I don't mind it it's just a hassle 😩

okay but we need jawn

lemme text him real quick


he's o u t s i d e


what for

you told him to take pictures and get videos of your fans

I did


the crew members are busy rn but I'm sure one of them would much rather look for someone rather than unload shit from the vans


I'll be there in a bit


geoff I'm stuck


remember what I said about finding a small spot to hide in

well I'm too damn long so now I'm stuck

a w s t e n

that's the third time you've typed out my name like that

that's irrelevant but okay

we need to get you out of there

lemme see if I can find someone

see you on the other side of the screen \\ ig \\ gawsten ✔Where stories live. Discover now