Chapter 20

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Louis' plan of catching up on sleep during the day seemed to be working fine for him. Harry, on the other hand, ended up just lying in bed with his phone in his hand. From about nine in the morning, it hadn't stopped going off.

It had been slowly building for months, ever since word slowly spread that he was going to be on TV, ever since people started seeing the trailers and billboards, and especially since people started seeing the show itself.

It had been growing bigger since the paparazzi had started to be around more often. Harry could tell sometimes Jeremy hadn't even told them to come.

It had been growing bigger since Harry's Twitter hit five million followers and his Instagram hit eight.

When It's me, Amy – my cousin Brad goes to your church, we met three or four summers back?? somehow got Harry's phone number and asked him for tickets to the live show coming up in Iowa, Harry had replied, I'll see what I can do, and forwarded the message on to Linda.

When Rich from three years above Harry in school emailed him saying, I know I said you could have my old nylon string for free because I had a new guitar but now that you're famous you should probably pay me back for it, don't you think? Harry had felt put-out. It wasn't nice to go back on a gift.

Harry just replied, Oh I'm not famous it's just one TV show :) The guitar is at my parents' house in dallas still, I'm sure you'll be able to pick it up. I can let mom know you're coming.

Harry felt guilty for thinking it, but that guy could get stuffed anyways. Harry could now afford a guitar twice as nice as Rich's new one.

Harry had just tried to reply politely to everyone, until the day his Facebook account told him he had the maximum number of friends on there. He then tried to ignore it for the most part.

He definitely didn't want to talk to any one about it, what was he supposed to say? I'm too popular? It would sound so stupid.

People excitedly sent him photos of gossip magazine pages, as if they were proud of HARRY STYLES TAKES A CLUMSY TUMBLE ON STAGE LAST WEEK!

Lmao just like u, bro!! came a Facebook message from the guy who worked at the burger shop Harry and his family went to once a month. Harry was absolutely certain he had never fallen over at the burger shop. This guy had no idea what Harry was just like.

Harry had never been unpopular at school, but he wasn't exactly in the In Crowd. He was never, ever popular enough to get snapchats from cheerleaders in their tiny green and white outfits captioned, pls come home & take me to prom xoxo

And now, by his count, he'd gotten five.

This morning was the first time he'd gotten a snap of a cheerleader not in her costume - or anything else.

Harry said, “Urgh, gross!” so loudly he woke Louis up. “Je suis fatigué, 'Arry,” Louis said pitifully. “Please.”

“I'm sorry.” Harry deleted the snapchat app entirely before turning his phone off.

“Hey, you look sad,” Louis said, carefully looking at Harry. He turned in and flopped a sleep- heavy arm over Harry, pulling himself in closer. “Honestly, I'm jetlagged and I have a headache that won't go away until I get coffee, so I'm not feeling very caring. But I do care, and you look like you need to talk. So, what's wrong?”

“Should I get you a coffee first?” Harry suggested. “I'll go find a good place. I could use a walk to clear my head anyway.”

“You're marvellous,” Louis said. “Give me a big kiss and put on some nice clothes before you go.”

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