10. Crazy first date 😊

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You found some stair and laid down as you watched the sunrise.

YOU: Crazy first date huh?

TOM: Is that what that was?

You both laughed and sat up straight facing each other

YOU: Why don't we start over?

You stuck out you hand so he can shake it

YOU: So hi I'm Y/N

He grabbed your hand and gave you a big smile

TOM: Well it is very nice to meet you Y/N. I'm Tom

He shook your hand but pulled you close to him as you shared a sweet and passionate kiss

You were finally free

After the whole nerve situation you and Tom started dating and you went to his graduation and had a big party for him and his friends but you and Tom had a little after party at his place ;) Anyways you are very happy with Tom and just going were life take the both of you together ❤

Nerve // Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now