4. Leave the Store👗👔

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You were sitting on your motorcycle when you saw Tom walk out and stand in front of you as you gave him a small smile

YOU: I was hoping you'd come

TOM: I'm just warning you I don't think I would make a very good partner. I'm not the dare devil kind. You should partner up with my friend Stacy. She's obsessed with playing Nerve

YOU: Yeah but they want me to team up with you

Tom just stood there deciding whether to go or not as you held out an extra helmet for him. He walked up to you and looked at you in the eye

TOM: As soon as I feel uncomfortable I'm out

YOU: That seems fair

You handed him the helmet and gave him a cheeky smile

TOM: Okay

Tom put on the helmet and got on the motorcycle while you put on yours and pressed 'accept dare' on your phone. You started the motorcycle and felt Tom jump a little as he got scared by it as you let out a small chuckle

YOU: Ever rode one of these before

TOM: nope

YOU: Just hold on tight alright

TOM: Okay

Tom put his hands around your waist and you gasp a little at his grip and was surprised that he was so strong. You started driving off and smiled the entire way. You looked over your shoulder a few times to see Tom's face. You realized he had a sharp jawline, beautiful brown eyes, and a smile that can melt a heart in less then a second.

YOU: Hey try screaming

TOM: What no

YOU: C'mon just let it all out

You screamed as Tom did to and you both laughed. You finally pulled up to the store the watchers told you to go to

YOU: Alright this is it

Your phone gave you a dare to try on a dress that was in the store

YOU: Oh well I have to go in there so I can do a dare

TOM: Oh uh do I have to go with you?

YOU: um it doesn't say anything about that

TOM:Oh okay well thanks for the lift

YOU: You going to be okay?

TOM: Yeah I'll probably just get a taxi home

YOU: Oh well gotta go do this but it was really fun

TOM: y-yeah it was

You left to go into the store while Tom just stood there for a second put then watchers told him to go in a put on a suit so he did

Your POV

You walked around and felt intimidated by how fancy everyone looked while you were just in jeans, a leather jacket, some boots, and an old shirt of yours

CASHIER: Thank you for shopping with us have a wonderful da-

YOU: Um excuse me

The cashier looked at you and gave to an attitude

CASHIER: Yes how may I help you?

YOU: Can you tell me where I can find this dress

You showed him the picture in your phone of a pretty sparkly dress

CASHIER: That's very expensive. Catoir 4th floor

YOU: Thank you

You quikly got in the elevator and went to where the cashier told you to go. You roamed around to try and find the dress until you found it in a small corner. You looked at the price tag and it said '$3999.99'. Your eyes widened but then you started to unzip the dress

Nerve // Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now