Chapter One

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Four months later...

"Damn! Late again!" I exclaimed as I rushed down the rain slicked sidewalk. If not for that stupid bus passing me by, I would've been on time. I could've sworn bus 30 was the right one. I could never catch anything, not a stable job, or even a bus to work. The Temp agency warned me about my tardiness already and this time, I would get fired. I gazed down at my brand new watch I bought to ensure I would be on time for once in my hapless life....Oh, man, 2 minute warning. I just can't get a break!

My mom always said I just wasn't responsible enough. For my entire life, I just couldn't seem to stay with anything. A job, a friend or a man. I rolled my eyes, like David. How was I supposed to know? Then after he left me broke, it just seemed to go downhill from there. Oh boy, did my mom roast me on that one. A criminal, she had shouted. Her daughter had been taken in and was shacking up with a smooth criminal!

Yeah, like the old 80's song.

Then jobs, they were even worse. When someone did give me a chance, I would somehow blow it. Never right away though, there would always be a sequence of strange events leading up to 'blowing it'. Like it hadn't been bad enough when David what's-his-face took all my savings. That led to depression then me being late to my job one too many times, so I lost that job. Then I lost my apartment. I had to then move in with said judgmental mom, until I could get my own place again.

I got a small studio and it already looked like I would be getting kicked out of there too. I just couldn't make enough to cover it.

I finally realized I was actually Forrest Gumping my way through life. Yeah, Macy Gump. I let out a humorless laugh as I hurried around yet another mud puddle on the sidewalk. Only, I wasn't about to go on some wild, cool adventure, meet Bubba and become filthy rich. It'd been twenty-five years of one thoughtless mishap after another and it would be funny, if it wasn't so stupidly disastrous. I could barely balance a job, a freaking savings account, or even a simple bus schedule.

So, I signed up at the Temp Agency. After all, I would be the type of employee they wanted...Temporary help, someone who didn't care about staying on the job and seeing it through to promotion and a future.

Yeah, temporary, that's me.

So far, I'd waited tables, worked in an assembly line and in a warehouse that made umbrellas. I did like the constant change of scenery, so I really wanted to stay with the agency. Stay? The word seemed to echo in my head. It was a condition fate didn't allow me, try as I might.

My Aunt Tibby told me once that my destiny was to be a tumbleweed. At the time, I'd laughed at the statement while thinking, yeah, a tumbleweed with no direction. My Aunt just smiled and told me, "Some are meant to wander and roll around the world, gathering experience and adventure. You, Macy...Are one of those wanderers."

I stopped laughing soon after that, when I got kicked out of College. It hadn't been my fault. I'd trusted my roommate and got burned. Just like I'd trusted David-fake-face and got scorched beyond recognition. Susie, my roomie cheated on a few finals and implicated me, saying I provided the test answers. No. I didn't have anything to do with the cheating. Except, I did go out with Brad and Susie considered that as the main cheat...Dammit! Why had I accepted his invite to dinner? Well, I knew why, he was interested in me, when that rarely happened since I was a little on the chubby side. Susie had a major thing going on for the guy, and then found out he liked me. Then, sexy but seemingly worthless Brad pocketed my credit cards and went on a Clothe Sexy Brad buying spree. My friendship with Susie tossed, my credit and education dream ruined and the rest is spiteful history.

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