Christmas at the Burrow(George Weasley)

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Year: 1999
a/n: The reader is with George as the whole Weasley family celebrates Christmas.


The holidays were the best time of year, at least in my opinion. It was too cold to play Quidditch, so we could make sure that the ones playing it don't get themselves hurt. George especially. I knew he was putting on a smile, and a brave face so that way we could have a good holiday. He missed Fred, more than anything. He would wake up some nights, just silently crying and I couldn't do anything other than rub his back as he sobbed into my shoulder. "(Y/n) dear, can you help set the table?" Molly asked. I nodded my head, "Sure Molly. The silverware are in the third drawer to the left, right?" She smiled her famous warm smile, "Yes dear." She went up stairs as I grabbed forks and spoons from the drawer. I only put spoons and forks down beside two plates before someone walked into the kitchen. "(Y/n)?" I look up and George has a sleeping a Teddy in his arms. "I'll be back," he walks out and I think he handed Teddy to Harry, because when he did come back a few seconds later, sleeping Teddy was gone. "Hey," I said, putting down the silverware in a bundle and a slight clang. "Hey," he smiled, "Happy Christmas, dear." I took his hand and kissed his cheek. "Happy Christmas," I winked and went back to setting the table. I heard a drawer opening. "I'll help you. After all there are tons of us here, and half a million plates to give some partners to." George started on the other side of the table. Muggle music started to play from the living room, and I recognized the song instantly. 

"I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree-" "I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know. Make my wish come true," George tried to hit the high not and failed miserably, but laughed it off. "Did you just want to get away from the chaos in the living room, or did you just want an excuse to sneak a Christmas cookie before your mother could notice?" George chuckled. "Or? What do you mean by that? Why not both, 'cause I will admit- to you at least- that it was both those reasons." I put continued to put down one of the lasts sets of silverware at one of the plates.

"(Y/n), shouldn't you be on the tree, Angel?" I snorted. George always had some sort of pickup line to throw my way. "What do you say we make it a Not-so-Silent-Night?" My eyes widen and I slap him playfully on the shoulder. "George," I said, "what if your family hears you?" He let out a laugh through his nose. "No, they have music playing, they won't here us."

I finished setting my side of the table.
George finished at the same time I did. "Close your eyes..." I furrowed my eyebrows, but obliged and closed my eyes. "Okay, why do I need to close them?" I waited a few minutes, and when I got no reply I lifted an eyelid a bit. "George?" I felt someone pick me up from behind in bridal style. "Oh!" He chuckled, and I put my arms around his neck. "Never do that again," I breathed. He started to walk to the door, as I was still positioned in his arms. "Dear, where are we going?" He shook his head, "You'll have to wait and see. Close your eyes, and don't try to peak, because I'm looking."

I closed my eyes reluctantly. I heard the door open and close, and felt the cold air hut me. "George-" but he kissed my nose. "Shh, trust me." I closed my eyes again and felt the cold snow fall on me. The crunch of the liquid-solid beneath my boyfriend's feet was back and forth- left, right, left, right and back again. "Alright," he said I the cold silence after a minute. "I'm going to put now." He did and I opened my eyes, my arms still around his neck, my feet now on the snow. "Close your eyes, doll. Keep 'em closed." I let out a huff of breath, really feeling the cold in my cheeks.

"George why are we out here?" I heard no reply. All I heard was more crunching of the snow, far off and close. "George? A-are you there?" My teeth chattered. All I was in was a Weasley sweater and jeans, along with my snow boots. "Alright, open your eyes."

I knew it was George's voice, after knowing him for so long and loving him as more than a friend, I knew it was him. I slowly opened my eyes. "Am I going to get an answer with why we're out in the snow?" It took a moment before my eyes were able to finally make his out figure against the blinding white of the snow.
I think I let out a gasp loud enough to cause an avalanche to start.

George was looking me in the eyes. He was on one knee and had a box open in his hands. In the box was a ring, it wasn't big or flashy, which was perfect.
"Are you Christmas? Cause I want to Merry you." He said it with a little smile.

I felt happiness. And happy tears pricked in my eyes. To know that the man I loved, loved me back- enough to want to marry me. "Are you serious," I asked, "do you really mean it? Do you really want to marry me?" The Burrow was behind us. I could tell because I assumed we were on what used to be a drive able road, but now it was cover in snow. He nodded his head and I though I could have seen him bite the inside of his cheek. He was waiting for my answer and I had to shake myself from the wondering state I was in.

"Yes," I said. I could see George's shoulders relax a box from the tense state he was in. "Yes. Yes. Yes, one million times yes. I will marry you. I'll marry you." I could feel a few warm tears slip through my eyes, and I could see tears prickling in his. He took the ring out and put the box down, not bothering to close it. George grabbed my left hand and slipped the ring onto my ring finger.

He quickly stood up, taking both of my hands. "Is your name Jingle Bells, cause you sound like you want to go all the way." I couldn't help but giggle, still happy about the extremely new engagement. I kissed him, "Yes, my name is now Jingle Bells." He smiled into the kiss. Would you hate me if I said that my entire family has been watching us, and they're behind you."

I whipped my head around, and there they all were. There, in the snow with muggle cameras, watching or from the windows. "Just had to pull a George Weasley and make a scene, huh?" He laughed.

"I love you, I hope you know that." I nodded, our four-heads touching each other's. "Hey babe, when was the last time you did it in a sleigh?" He snorted. "(Y/n)," he mimicked me from earlier, "don't say that! What if my family hears?" I kissed him lightly on the lips. "You're the best. I love you."

He smiled his charming smile.
"I love you too. I don't think it can get better than this."

A/n: because it is now after Thanksgiving, it is now CHRISTMAS!!! I plan to have all of the one-shots have something to do with Christmas. I'm really in the mood of jingles this year. I don't have an uploading schedule, just expect Harry Potter Characters x reader one-shots

Next: Soulmates(Fred Weasley)
(Also, I know I'm not a good author, I just want to slip back into writing. Any critical feedback is appreciated, ex. if you found a point in the story confusing so in the future you aren't.)

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