CoMC(Scorpius Malfoy)

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So I watched Crimes of Grindlewald and decided that I was going to make Scorpius Malfoy a magical beast expert. also i asked my friend to give me a request and she asked for a scorpius malfoy x reader. so here it is. For- thehazeleyedwriter
p.s- because my friend thehazeleyed writer is left handed and i'm not, I decided to make the reader left handed


It was snowing way too early at Hogwarts. It was early November and the snow kept falling, outdoor classes were moved inside. The Greenhouses for Herbology had to be put under the most powerful heating charms to make sure they wouldn't freeze in the early winter. Because of the weather it meant that the most interesting class of all was down graded to nothing but notes and smaller magical beasts than what I wanted. If only I could switch History of Magic with another lesson with Hagrid on Care of Magical Creatures, I wouldn't let that oppurtinuty pass me. "Scorp, are you even listening to Professor Binns?" I shook my head, "No, are you? I may need to copy your notes later." Albus nodded his head, "Yeah you copy them tonight in the Common Room." I looked at the piece of parchment that I was using to take notes, it was really pitiful. There was about two and a half paragraphs followed by some bullet points and then nothing. The time in HoM ended and we headed to our next class, Transfiguration.

"You need to pay attention in all of the classes Scorp, we're in our O.W.L year, the exams are going to be difficult and determine which N.E.W.Ts we take. We both know your guaranteed to take N.E.W.Ts in CoMC." Albus went on a slight rant, and I listened to his words. He was right, I should pay more attention in class, and that I was practically already N.E.W.T level. I dedicated so much of my time just reading about the magical creatures that were all over the world.

We walked into the classroom, Professor Thomas waiting in the classroom, grading papers as we took our seats. It didn't take long for the room to fill up with students and noise as they all took their seats. Professor Thomas stood up and told us to settle down, telling us that we would be taking notes today so tomorrow we could start on what we were learning. Knowing that once this class was over we had lunch, and then Care of Magical Creatures had its own pros and cons.

Pro was that I could concentrate, knowing that once this was done, my favorite class would take place.
Con was that I couldn't concentrate knowing CoMC was so close.

"Transfiguration never seemed to take so long as it did today," I noted as we walked out of the classroom. "My hand hurts big time, I wont be able to eat because it's cramping so much." Albus nodded his head, "Yeah, same. And it took so long in your head because you really want to be at CoMC. If I didn't know any better, I would say that you're in love with the class." I shoved him lightly with my shoulder as we walked into the Great Hall. We sat at our normal spot at which we always sit at. One or two fellow Slytherins would say hello to us, but other than that we only talked to each other.

As Albus walked to his next class, I wondered why I liked CoMC so much, but it just confused me even more. Why was I even questioning my favorite class? There was just something about it that made me enjoy it. The only downside was that me and Albus didn't have the class together.


Scorpius walks into the classroom that CoMC was using in the cold weather. The desks were how they normally were, the same students were they normally sat. That seemed to be the only normal thing in the class. "Alright class, 'ettle down, 'ettle down. I know it's a Thursday and you want the week to be over. But we're goin' over something good today." The class's chatter went down and the whole room was quiet. "But before that, we need to make new seating arrangements. So if you all will stand then we can get to'a lesson I have planned today."

The students picked up their school things and went to the sides of the classroom, friends who once sat next to one another said goodbye while others hoped to get next to each other. Scorpius stayed silent. His last partner was at least decent in Care, but was still pretty bad at it. He only hoped that maybe his new partner would be better. "A'right when I call your name, come and sit at the desk I assign ya' to."

"McLaggen.....Zabini.....Phillips-" ("Which one sir?" "Claire.").....Patil....Thomas...Phillips..."

It went on for about another row before he called out "Malfoy" followed by  "(L/n)." He had never heard this last name before, and assumed she was muggle-born, or an exchange student. As Scorpius sat down, so did she. She had beautiful hair. And a really pretty face. She turned and faced him, "My name is (Y/n), and you're Scorpius, right?" He nodded his head and shook her extended hand. He didn't question that she knew his name, loads of people did. And definitely after the stunt he and Al pulled last year.

"A'right. Today, class we are learning 'bout Thestrals. Who can tell em 'bout them?" Hagrid brought out what was nothing to some, and to a few of them what looked like a bat-horse. It had wings that looked like leather, and white eyes, a face with reptilian features. It was a breed of winged horses, and considered dangerous by the MoM. Both (Y/n) and Scorpius raised their hands and both started to talk.

"Thestrals are considered dangerous by the Ministry of magic, and only seen by those who have seen death." They look at each other as if foreign to each other. The it clicked in his mind. This was a sixth year, and Hagrid had said a few weeks ago that they would have combined lessons for the rest of the year because this class was so good at CoMC. (Despite the fact that they really weren't the best, Hagrid still thought it would be best.)

Though that was all he knew. That she was a Sixth year, and she was bound to know that he was a fifth year. "Well done, bot' of ya'. Ten point to each of ya' houses." Scorpius glanced at her tie. She was a Gryffindor.

Hagrid continued on with their lesson, "Now raise your hand if you see the Thestrals." She raised her hand and he also raised his. This was the first class that they were sharing with the sixth years, and he just wanted to study her. In a non-weird way. She was cute. But also hot.

This was going to be a long CoMC.


Weeks passed and slowly the two started to talk more and more. It was strange and awkward at first, but slowly it became all what Scorpius would talk about. (Y/n) this and (Y/n) that.

He had formed a crush on her. They had had small, little conversations before one Saturday when Albus was sick and decided not to go to Hogsmeade. Scorpius was low on his candy stock and needed to get more, so he couldn't stay with his friend.
That day was a really nice day, one where Scorp and her were not in the CoMC class, one where she wasn't with her group of friends. They talked that day, how they were able to see the Thestrals.
("So I saw my grandfather pass, about first year for me. Who did you see?" Scorpius was reluctant to say, he was still sad over her death. "My mother," he said. (Y/n)'s eyes were wider than what they normally were. "I'm so sorry," she said, "I hood I didn't stir up any bad memories." He shook his head. "No, I'm better now, and I think so is my dad. Sorry that you lost your grandfather. How did he pass?")

That was the only thing Scorpius remembered. He didn't remember the things they talked about. They bought some ink and a quill, and some parchment. The two stopped at Zonko's and WWW for a quick second, just to get a laugh from all the different products. They stopped to get candy from Honeyduke's and then stopped at The Three Broomsticks for four butterbeers.(Each) Scorpius and (Y/n) would never admit if but they almost missed the train.

Scorpius remembered what they did. And the emotions. Not w they actually talked about. But the emotions. And how his stomach hurt from how much they laughed. "Today has been fun." (Y/n) had a smile on her face as she said it. Her face was slightly red, and mascara was smeared from where the eye-juice spilled - probably from laughing do hard. "Yeah," Scorpius agreed with her.

"You know," (Y/n) said as they walked back up to the castle. "You're really cute, and nice." Scorpius felt frozen inside, even though his feet continued to walk beside her. "T-thanks?" (Y/n) let out a light giggle, and kissed him on the cheek. "I gotta go, but I'll see you in Care of Magical Creatures, right?" He nodded his head, he cheeks really warm. (He just knew that they were red.)  "Bye Scorpius!"

All he managed was a weak little wave.

A/n: defiantly not my most proudest work, and over all it's just ehhhh
Thank you for suffering through this one-shot

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