"Wonderful."(James Potter I)

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Winter time was amazing at Hogwarts. Sure, Halloween was a fun holiday, but it was like Halloween all the time at Hogwarts. When the halls of Hogwarts were decorated and the piles, upon piles of snow would pile up was the best time. This happened up until late February, when the ice and snow started to melt a tad. "(L/n), you're off in your own world again. I can't possibly imagine what is so lovely about those pancakes, other than they get to be consumed by you." Looking up and throwing a glare at the one who spoke, I threw some words back at them. "Eww, Black. Keep it in your pants!"

He let out a bark of a laugh, and continued to talk to his friends. Lupin was doing as he always does, reading at breakfast, I don't blame him. When you get so engrossed into a book, it's hard to put it down to do anything. Pettigrew was eating and Black and Potter continued to make a scene. Lily sat down to my right, continuing the conversation she was having with Marlene. Taking a bite of my pancake, trying to not think about Black's statement, I though about how cute Potter would be would be without his glasses on. He and Black were Gryffindor's pretty boys, and I had given up hope  along time that Potter would notice me, he was always for Lily. Why hope for something you could never have? Though a bit of me did hope that he would look at me more than a friend of Lily's, or a girl in his year, or another girl in Gryffindor.

A downside of Winter so far up north, and also at Hogwarts, was that the school was just as cold as Hogwarts. Maybe Hogwarts was colder, unless you and your friends cast warming charms so that way you didn't die of cold. Sometimes as a sixth year student, you had to help the younger students so that way they weren't cold either, it seemed to be a little unsaid tradition.


Amortentia- a Love Potion. (smells differently for each person, of what attracts them) Doesn't make real love, just powerful attraction and infatuation.

That's was the potion we were making in Slughorn's class. And what do you know, Potions class was the same as always. Lily and Snape being the stars of the class, followed by me and Lupin. Potter and Black didn't hold back when it came to jinxing the usual person- Snape. He busted out in boils, all over his face and hands. I couldn't help but notice the hatred in the glare he sent the two snickering boys in the back of the class- Black and Potter. What with his black hair, all messed up and his glasses at the edge of his nose. "Oh, deary me, Snape. You must go to Madam Pomfrey immediately, get those boils sorted out." He seemed slightly disgusted, but who could blame him. On his way out he got his revenge though, at least for the time being, because he sent something that messed up Black's and Potter's hair. They stopped snickering after that.

Slughorn came over and examined the Amortentia potion me and Lupin were working on. "My, Lupin, (L/n)- good gracious! This is an excellent potion- I dare say that one drop would have us all under the spell of you two. Never have I seen," Slughorn went into a mumble and then awarded us each 10 points. "Good job, Moony!"

Lupin, slightly blushing from the embarrassment of his two friends, looked at me. "So, um, (L/n), what do you smell from Amortentia?" I looked at him, my (e/c) eyes meeting his brown ones, "Why do you ask?" He shrugged his shoulders, "Other than this class, I really don't know you. I've been your potions partner all year and I was just curious." I nodded my head, my hands going to the back of my ponytail, tightening it. "Right, well. I smell, books, like a library- when you walk in and your hit with the smell of it. Sweet smelling candles, and- the wood of  a broomstick." I paused, then spoke again, "I strong smell I can't say what it is. I don't know."

Lupin nodded. "Let me guess," I said, "you smell chocolate in yours." He let out a swift, little laugh. "Righto!" The rest of the class went by swiftly, Snape returned at the end of the class to get his things- only to be hexed by the Marauders. I never really payed any attention to their feud, when they fired- Snape fired back. I didn't know, nor care, who started it. Potter ran his hand through his hair as we were all dismissed from the class. I had to look away and do all of my power to not blush.

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