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"So," Rebekah started. "our brothers said he was at the abattoir the last time they saw him."
"And Davina says he's not at the attic with her." I said.
"Davina says?"
"Not getting in between the war between the witches and the vampires. She's a young girl in need."
"Let's just do this already." Rebekah smirked and sped away. I laughed, speeding after her.
"Oh Marcellus!" I called entering the abattoir.
"The Mikaelson sisters. What can I do for you."
"You crossed us. Consider this revenge."
"What are you planning?" He looked slightly nervous, though he put on a brave face.
"You decided not to give me my brother."
"You ditched me in a dive bar."
"You insulted me."
"You insulted our family."
"And you've been one giant pain in the backside since I came to town."
"I don't want to fight you."
"Because I'm pregnant?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "The last guy who tried to hurt me, well turns out my baby wants to protect me too."
"Besides. Who said anything about a fight?" Rebekah nodded at me as I whispered an incantation.
"What do you want him to do? He's our little puppet now."
"It's an oldie but a goodie. Make him act like a monkey."
"You heard my sister." I said and he started jumping around the place, scratching his head and armpit. It was a funny sight, and I saw Rebekah recording it. "What next?"
"Make him standstill, no matter what. Can you do that?"
"Sure." I said, nodding my head. She walked over to him, and kneed him between the legs. I cringed. "What was that for?"
"Messing with me." She walked back over. I nodded my head and a sharpie appeared in my hand. I wrote 'I suck' on his forehead and snapped a picture on my phone. "A little juvenile, but I like it." I said standing back to admire our work. "Toodles, Marcel." I shrugged and walked out with Rebekah.
"How long until the spell wears off?"
"I think we have ten to twenty minutes." I shrugged. "Hey, you go home. I've got something to do."
"Yes. Something. So, stay out of my room. Some of those grimoires can get a little testy if they think you're a danger."
"They think?" She pointed out.
"They're magic books, Rebekah. They behave differently. And what with vampires basically being creatures of darkness, I'd say steer clear until they realise you're not a threat."
"You do know that you're being creepy?"
"Hush, Rebekah. I'll meet you at home."

That night, I looked for the perfect apartment. It took a while, but I finally found one. I compelled a neighbour to hold the deed to the house, until I made more friends in this town.
"Thanks, Rae." I smiled at the girl.
"Yeah whatever. I'd invite you to come party, but maybe next time." She said, leaving. I chuckled, and returned home.

"Where have you been?" Elijah asked, sitting with a drink in his hand.
"Getting an apartment."
"For what?"
"I need a safe house. Just in case."
"A safe house?"
"I though you'd be staying with us."
"I am. But it's just somewhere for baby Isaiah. He won't be able to control his magic. So he'll need some place he can practice without interruptions."
"Baby Isaiah?"
"It's either that or Micah, or Orion. Isaiah Orion Bennett or Micah Orion Bennett."
"Why Orion?"
"After Abraham's favourite constellation pattern. It wasn't called Orion's belt back then, but every now and then, we'd see the same stars and he'd point them out."
"And you want your baby to have a little bit of Abraham in him?"
"I'd go with Isaiah over Micah, but hey, you could always name him Elijah."
"Goodnight, brother." I rolled my eyes walking away.
"It's just a suggestion." He laughed.
"You said the same thing when I was having Benji." I called back. I stood for a second before walking back and sitting beside him.
"Well, Elijah is a nice enough name."
"The world absolutely does not need another of you, brother."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Look, you're my brother. And I love you, I do. But one Elijah is enough. Besides, I can't believe you broke Katherine's heart."
"I did not break-"
"She loves you."
"I thought I could help her."
"And therein lies your problem. You looked at her as though she was something that needed to be fixed but she was fine the way she was. The way she is. She's a good person, and you know what. All I heard from everyone else was that she was evil. A bitch. Not a good person, but she wasn't like that. She hid it, but she cared. About you. About me. Hell all she tried to do was turn her life around. She tried to help me, by the way. She tried to bring me justice, where my siblings had failed. And you know what? She kind of did. She hurt the people who would hurt our family the way they deserved. And Jeremy Gilbert wasn't innocent, either. Or are you forgetting he killed Kol? And now she's paying the price because you decided not to go after your own happiness with her. And you know what she told me?"
"That she hated me?"
"No. To make sure you're happy. Because she still cares about you. No matter what, do me one favour. Don't lie to yourself. Katherine truly loved you, and you truly loved her. But you gave up." I said softly.

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