Prologue part 1/2

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A/N How the vampires work in my story.They find a mate of a queen or king that gives themselves to the vampire willingly and the urge to make a queen or king comes from the vampire finding love with another. And as teenagers vampires finding a mate lust after them more and more.
While team STRQ was at beacon two of it's students were not the same as the others. Those two were Qrow and Raven Branwen yeah they were huntsman and huntresses in training like their fellow students and sure they were raised by bandits, that's not what made these two different they were both vampires.
As Raven had gotten with Tai Yang she made him a king took longer than most she had turned him after the first semester of their 2nd year at beacon and only got with him at the beginning of the semester. They were getting all touchy with each other which Qrow and Summer thought was sick watching Tai and Raven practically banging anywhere they went. Soon Tai and Raven were distancing themselves from Summer and Qrow leaving them alone together.
    Since Qrow didn't have many friends he opted to spend time with Summer since he had already gotten to know her and where the line was when telling off color jokes. As yes Qrow was a big bad vampire he was terrified of Sum when she was mad so Qrow tried his best to stay on Summers good side. As Qrow and Summer spent more and more time together Qrow started to feel strange like he was about to snap and kill someone he cared about. Qrow managed to keep it under control so Summer wouldn't notice while they were at the movies.
    As Qrow and Summer got back to their dorm at beacon they walked in Raven was making lunch to Summer and Qrow's surprise they weren't in a bed room banging. Qrow stormed over to his sister that he would normally never ask for help but since she was the only other vampire he had access to, to be able to ask personal stuff relating to that. Qrow said," Hey sis can I talk to you in the other room please."
Raven said," Sure Qrow" and looked past his shoulder asking Summer,"Hey Sum will you watch my food so it doesn't burn while I talk to my idiot brother."
Summer giggled and said," Sure thing Rae." Qrow walks into the other room waiting for raven to come in.
Raven came in the room and says," So what's the matter what has my brother fucked up this time that he needs his sister to pull him out of the hole you dug."
"Raven it's about our vampire blood not a thing I did, I need your help." Qrow said.
" Oh so what's the matter then Qrow." Raven said sitting down next to her brother knowing that this is serious.
"Well when Sum and I were at the movies I glanced over to her and my blood started to boil and I felt myself starting to loose control what's happening Raven please I need your help, usually I'm able to control my urges but Summers driving me crazy and I don... don't want to Kill one of my only friends." Qrow had said as his voice cracking and his hands shaking.
" OH my dear little brother its not that your wanting to kill her." Raven said comforting Qrow
"Qrow it is because your falling for Summer you want to make her your vampire queen, you already know I turned Tai." Raven said while rubbing her brothers back,"Okay Qrow I'm going to have my lunch and I'm sending in Summer and you need to talk to her."
" Raven wait no don't you dare." Qrow said as his sister left the room.
" Hey Rae your timer for your food went off so I took it off the burner for you." Summer said to Raven who walked right up to her not the food that was to the right towards the stove and leaned down and whispered to her," Qrow needs you to talk to him and you better hurry before he gets an idea like jumping out the window of the fourth story."
"Qrow" Summer said in the door way to the room that Qrow was talking with Raven.
Qrow had one foot already out the window when Summer came in.
"Qrow you been acting really weird since we left the movie did I do something please tell me." Summer said tears starting to well up in her eyes. Qrow walked over to Sum," please don't cry, Sum it's nothing you did it's me not you."
" Then what's wrong Qrow let me help you." Summer said with a worried tone in her voice.
"Summer I don't want to get you involved with this so just fucking leave already." Qrow said almost yelling at Summer.
"Qrow IM NOT LEAVING UNTILL YOU TELL Me WHATS GOING ON!" Summer yelled which was rare for her since she liked keeping to herself and was described best as a shy person.
"Okay fine, sit down and I'll tell you what's been going on and what I am." Qrow said finally giving in to the small girl that had the most beautiful silver eyes that he had ever seen.
"What do you mean when you said what I am Qrow?" Summer questioned
"Well Sum I am a Vampire." Qrow said
"Okay Qrow So what your a vampire you are still my teammate and my friend." Summer said while placing her hand on Qrow's knee.
" Your taking this surprisingly well." Qrow said.
"Qrow your still my best friend." Summer said trying to hide her face in her hood and the bright red color she had turned.
"Summer there's something I need to say." Qrow said
"Yes Qrow?" Summer said
"Summer I.... I..... Lo..... I love you" Qrow said forcing the words out of his mouth.
" I love you too." Summer whispered just loud enough for Qrow to hear it.
Qrow turned to Summer and said," Summer I need to ask you something very important."
"Yeah Qrow what is it." Summer said thinking that he was going to propose right there.
"Summer Rose will you be my vampire queen please?" Qrow asked
A couple of days passed with no answer
And finally Summer came up to me after class and whispered in my ear,"yes I'll be your queen Qrow for now and for ever."

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