The faunus vampire queen is born

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-During the Fall of beacon-
Blakes POV
NO he was here the man that has abused and stalked mr for years. I need to leave not saying a word I try to leave but then he noticed me.
"Running away again is that what you've become my love A Coward."
"Why are you doing this"
" You and I were Going to Change the world remember we were destined to light the fires of revolution."
Ugh as he step on a guys stomach
"Consider this the spark"
I lunged forward and stop him from stabbing that innocent man.
As our blades locked together I say," I'm not Running"
"You Will" then he kick me in the chest sending me back falling to the ground. Shooting a Grimm saving me but I know because he's not done with me
" but Not before you have suffered for your betrayal My love"
He was clearly angry I ran that I was done being his little kitten but now I'll never have Yang to myself I Wanted to tell her tonight that I was ready to be with her.
" I never wanted this, I wanted equality, I wanted peace"
"WHAT YOU WANT IS IMPOSSIBLE" he yelled Backhanding me all the nightmares are gonna come rushing back if I make it out of this I know they will.
"But I understand because all I want is you Blake" then kicks Gambol Shroud from my hand.
"And As I Set Out Upon This World And Deliver The JUSTICE it So Greatly Deserves I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love.
"BLAKE!" Yang voice calling out.
"BLAKE WHERE ARE YOU" Yang Called out again
"Starting with her"
"AAHHGGHH" i yelled in pain as he stabbed his sword in my stomach.
" no please" begging yang to stay way
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Yang came rocketing forward and then Adam sliced off her arm.
I managed to jump in front of Yang trying to save her.
"Why must you hurt me Blake"Adam said in a very cold tone.
I used my semblance and the last of my Aura to make a decoy and grabbed Yang and ran. Looking over my shoulder seeing Adam decapitating my decoy. Lying down near the dock for the air ships Yang unconscious as I whispering," I'm sorry" holding her hand.
-three days later-
Yang's POV
I've been home in Patch for three days and the comm tower fell as well so I can't call Blake. Then there was knocking at the door and dad got up from the edge of my bed to go see who it was.
"Um hello is this the Xiao Long residence" A girl about Yang's age long straight black hear and a bow at the top of her head.
"Yeah this is the Xiao Long residence and can I ask who are you?"
" I'm Blake Belladonna and I was on your daughters team at Beacon Is Yang home I want to see how she's doing."
"Well Yang's being a mopey shit I can't get her even to talk but you more than welcome to come in and try to if you can make her stop moping I'll cook what ever you want Ms.Belladonna."
"Your on, Hope you have fresh tuna and a recipe for something to put it in." Blake said.
Okay I'll go get some If you can cheer her up me and Ruby have been trying around the clock for three days and nothing.
"Where's her room?" Blake asked.
I'll show you walking up the stairs to a door with Yellow calligraphy of Yang's name as I motioned to the door.
Blakes POV
I Open the door and see Yang sitting up in bed looking out the window and hear her say,"Go away Dad Just leave me alone."
"Hey there little Troublemaker"
"Blake Oh My God" Yang said starting to cry and I walk over and hugged her.
"Is time I repay all the times that you've done this for me."
"I'm so glad your here Blake." Yang said through her tears
"Okay girls I'm gonna run to the store real quick." Taiyang said leaving the room.
"I don't know why he's going to the store he went yesterday?" Yang said
"He's going to get me Tuna."
"How do you know that?" Yang asked
"He said if I could cheer you up he would make me whatever I want for dinner. Knowing full well that I was going to win that bet."
"You little sneak" Yang said laughing with a playful push.
"I missed you Yang"
"I missed you too Blake" Yang said as her sunny smile that filled my life with joy return to her face.
Tai came back hearing us giggling and a smile formed on his face not knowing what was to come that night and the bombshell Yang would say after Ruby left the table.
Yang's POV
"Dad I need to tell you something important."
"What firecracker, what's up?" Tai asked.
"I'm Gay and Blake's my girlfriend."
"Okay sweetie again I will love you no matter what, so have you made her your queen then."Tai said letting her know that it was okay and was happy that she could find someone she cared for.
"What do you mean no how long have you known and been suppressing your urges."Tai said worrying about how much damage could have been done to her control.
"About 2 months."
"You need to do that now the longer you wait the farther gone your control is."Tai said.
"What's he talking about Yang?" Blake asked.
"It's about me being a vampire I want to make you my Queen it bonds the two for life from what my dads told me He's able to still since my mom and know shes fine."
"Well If its to help you I'll do it Yang" Blake said.
"Really Blake"
"Yes I love you Yang and I'm ready for another relationship now and I want to be there for you" Blake said reaching out to hold Yang's hand "Your not like the others you love me truly."
"But Blake are you sure"
"No buts Yang now what do I need to do Mr.Xiao Long" Blake asked.
"Ok let me make sure Ruby doesn't come out of her room" Tai said getting up from the table.
"Yang why didn't you tell me that you have been suppressing your urges." Blake said with a worried tone learning Yang has been hurting herself for months.
"Because I knew you wouldn't want me to offer so close after what happened with Sun."
Tai popped his head into Ruby's room she was cuddling with Zwei and watching her favorite movie (Scott Pilgrim VS the world) that Tai knew she would not pause to do anything since once she had to go to the bathroom just after it started and she waited till it was over.
"Okay girls lets start the ritual." Tai said
"What about Ruby?
"She's watching Scott Pilgrim again."Tai said
"Oh so were okay then."
"So as I said earlier Mr.Xiaolong what do I need to do for this." Blake asked again.
"Just relax then Yang will bite you and then yang will fuse her vampire blood with yours and making you her queen." Tai said.
"Okay." Blake said
"Are you sure about this Blake?"
"Yes I am, I love you Yang your the one. holding her hand Blake said reassuring Yang that she was okay with being her Vampire Queen.
"Okay you ready to start then?"
"Yes"  Blake said.
"Okay" Yang sinking her fangs into Blake's neck the blood filling her mouth loving the taste of it okay now to fuse our blood
"Dad will you cut a small cut on my finger?" waving her stub arm cant really cut while holding the knife in my hand.
"Sure thing honey" cutting a small slit in her finger she started sucking on her finger filling her mouth with her blood which didn't taste good might because its mine
Then planting my mouth on the open wound on Blake's neck letting the blood mix the taste of both together was awful. There was my blood that to me tasted like garbage and Blake's that was so sweet mixing together in my mouth.
My dad pull me off her neck after a minute and vomited out the blood from my mouth and then told me you could have just placed your finger on the wound.
About and hour and a half later Blake woke up as Ruby walked out of her room to put the movie back on the shelf singing one of the songs from the movie, "I Take you for a ride in my garbage truck Oh No." completely oblivious of what was happening till she turned around seeing Yang jumping on the couch where Blake was readjusting herself from lying down as she had just finished Yang started making out with her new queen.
"OHHHH MYY GOSH", Ruby screaming seeing her sister had finally been true to her feelings for Blake.
"Ruby leave them be let them enjoy themselves" Taiyang said.

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