Chapter 10

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I actually left before Isabella the next morning. I was avoiding her, unsure what to say to her but sure she wouldn't listen. As it was, it was a good thing I left early: first, I had to deal with the fog and then I had to deal with Jessica.

"So? What happened? Did Bella tell you anything? Is she seriously dating Edward FREAKING Cullen? Why didn't you answer my texts?"

"Um..." I replied. I had been getting out of my car, mind going over whether or not to ask Lizzy's advice on the matter when Jessica'd ambushed me. I also had not exactly gotten much sleep the night before. "Oh."

"Oh?" Jess leaned in closer, her voice changing to hushed tones. "Oh?"

"I think I forgot my phone at home." I said confusedly. "And Isabella..." No, probably better not to say she got back late. "We didn't talk. We don't talk. I don't know." I slammed the car door and shrugged at my heavy backpack. "Ask Bella. I don't know. I'm tired."

Jess gave me an amused look but allowed this as an excuse. She chatted with me about some strategies for the Spring Dance and then I left her by the cafeteria, lying in wait for the defenseless Isabella Swan

I... might not be the best sister.

I made my way across campus to my the biology lab and went in to find a seat next to the random girl I'd been partnered up with, saying hi but then only speaking when we disagreed about the answer to a lab question. When class was over my posture immediately became slumped: I'd been so focused on dealing with Isabella, I'd forgotten I had class with Dick as well.

Damn. It. All!

Play it cool? I pinched the bridge of my nose as I walked to English, ignoring the group of junior varsity boys who were now giggling at my look of frustration. It wasn't like he knew that I suspected anything. And I had no proof, so I wasn't going to make a scene-never make a scene unless you know they can't turn the tables on you—and I wasn't going to try to get him alone either. Just the thought gave me a shiver down my spine and the feeling that those dark eyes were watching me, staring into the back of my neck.

"Gen." A smooth voice said, uncertain.

"Eff off." I replied. Then again, maybe I could find some new clues if I talk to him... I turned around but Edward was already in a seat halfway across the room. I let it go and went back to my assignment, proofreading it one more time so that the rough draft talk with Mrs. Grystl would be as short as possible.

On the other hand, when class finally began, I took every opportunity to look over at Dick Cullen to see if I could catch him being creepy. Somehow, every time I tried, he was either taking notes or listening to the teacher. Didn't even catch him daydreaming once. I, however, did not catch a single word of the day's lecture and had to steal notes from Lauren.

It was becoming quite the day.

In Pre-Calc, Tyler managed to mix up my head in further by actually noticing I wasn't quite myself...

"Not excited to being going to the dance with the coolest boy in school?" He'd teased.

"I'm pretty sure you only have that title because you're going with me." I replied, my voice a bit more crabby and less flirty then I meant it. He just winked at me.

"Oh, come on. Tell me what's up so I can beat it to a pulp." He pretended to flex his biceps, the move a bit less meaningful with his muscles hidden under three layers of clothing.

"Beat it to a pulp?" I asked. "You can't even beat the Cougars at basketball."

Tyler dropped his arms and slumped in his desk, pouting slightly. "Ouch, Swan. So we got 10th place. Don't have to be mean about it."

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