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I was on the couch, my legs propped up on a couple pillows and my wrist wrapped with a fresh bandage. To be honest, it was basically healed—the bandage was not nearly as necessary as my twin pair of casts—but it still freaked me out to look at the neat pink lines on either side of my arm, a matching set of evidence for the lies I was still trying to convince myself of.

Things were getting better: mentally at least. I'd had a complete meltdown the first time they took the bandage off and I saw bitemarks. I'd spent the next three nights staring in mirrors, looking for a sign that my eyes were turning red. Even now I wasn't sure, wasn't completely convinced that it wasn't going to suddenly take me.

Part of me knew that Bella could have put that fear to rest but I wasn't about to forgive her and she wasn't about to trust me. Her love for Edward and my hate for him put us more and more at odds every day. Every time she glanced at me and didn't spill the truth about what happened, she was condemning me to another day of mental doubt. Every time I thought about telling the truth, about tell everyone that Dick 'the Dickhead' Dickface had been involved in my accident and that there had been no fall... well, I was thinking about sending the love of her life to jail.

So now, lying on the couch with a blanket thrown over my casts and a pair of overlarge shorts, my itchstick never far from my hand and the tv remote glued to the other, I was ignoring the two lovebirds as they prepared to go.

As they prepared to go to prom.

You'd expect me to say that I saw it as trivial now, but I didn't. If the spring dance had almost gotten me a kiss and a date with Tyler Crowley, then prom would surely have gotten me at least one of those things. As it was, I hadn't even seen him. I'd only recently been able to take a plane ride home and had been resting from the effort ever since. A pile of homework and cards was scattered around my couch, the product of a lot of visits from the kids at school, none of which had lasted long before I was too exhausted to talk lucidly.

On the plus side, I was apparently very funny at this point and a lot of people made sequel visits to see what I would say next time. I was very popular. It was very odd.

With a yawn, I began flipping through channels, searching in vain for a good movie. I really wanted to watch Princess Bride again, but to get that I would have to call someone in. Isabella, her dick boyfriend, and Dad were all right out in the hallway but... I didn't feel up to dealing with them. The first two for obvious reasons and the last because he apparently had no idea how to deal with having a teenage daughter in the house 24/7 and was becoming very annoying with his sudden desire for small talk.


I glanced up and found Edward peering over the back of the couch, giving me a polite smile.


"Want anything?" He asked. He'd been a lot nicer to me ever since I'd been attacked, probably afraid I would tell everyone what he was involved in.

"No. Go away." I continued flipping channels.

"Gen," this was my exasperated dad.

"It's ok." Edward muttered.

"I'm injured." I declared. "Injured, bored people can say whatever they want."

"Oh?" Dad said, starting to sound a little angry. "Why's that?"

"Because they can't be grounded." I said cheekily.

"That's a very nice phone you've got there." Dad replied.

I said nothing.

"Gen." Dad said.

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