Hell breaks loose

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///Stefan's POV///

Dear Diary,

It's been a week since Elena moved to New Orleans now. We haven't heard much from her due to us being busy trying to find a way to figure out how this all happened, but I have been missing her. It's been so quiet for the past week, everyone can feel her absence, some far more than others. Damon, for example, hasn't been himself. He's been working relentlessly to do his best so Elena can come home. He's locked himself away in his room, not speaking to anyone and it has us all worried beyond belief. The most worrying thing about this all is that he hasn't had a single blood bag since she went, it's so out of character for him to do this. He loves blood more than most things, clearly nowhere near as much as he loves Elena though.

We've made very little progress but last time we spoke to Elena she told us of a spell that Freya knows which might tell us what's going on. The spell requires ancient magic and rare ingredients that are near enough impossible to come by. We have yet to decide whether or not we wish to use the spell or wait until Bonnie has found a spell that is easier to do. Yes you read that correctly, Bonnie is back in the land of the living. How you may ask? Well the answer is a bit...hard to believe to put it easily. Do you remember how she harnessed the hell fire to defeat the ancestors? Well it turns out that she managed to use that power to bring herself back to life although this way of bringing Bonnie back hasn't been without consequence. Due to hell fire being a source of great power, Bonnie has had difficulty adjusting to it. This has led to her losing control of her powers and causing havoc such as buildings setting alight and accidentally snapping necks of supernatural people nearby to her. We've been keeping her in the tunnels beneath mystic falls, a place safe from people who would harm her and a place so that we can ensure that she doesn't harm anyone. She's still living down there for the time being but has been using the pregnancy as a point of focus for her magic. Elena doesn't know that Bonnie is back yet, we want to wait until Bonnie has regained control before we tell Elena. It's for her own safety, if she knows Bonnie is back before Bonnie has regained control then she'd fight us until she's reunited with her. We can't risk Bonnie losing control and hurting or killing Elena, especially while she's pregnant.

I've been thinking about the baby a lot more over the past couple of days, having some doubts about whether or not I'll be a good father to my child. I keep thinking what if I go full on Ripper and hurt it, or if my fatherly instincts won't kick in and I go wrong and my child grows up to be all the worst parts of me or just plain hates me? I'm so scared that I'll do something wrong, but then I remember that Elena will be it's mother and she'll love this baby with all of her heart. Then I remember that this baby is the luckiest baby in the world to have such a pure hearted, strong and brave mother. Elena will be the best mother to this baby, she'll put his or her life before her own. She'll raise him to do what's right and to have a heart that is pure and to always be kind and caring and above all to be loving. In all honesty I'm a little bit jealous of the baby. It's going to have all of Elenas love and to be loved by Elena the best gift of all. It's a shame the baby won't biologically be hers despite her giving birth to it. I can only imagine how beautiful Elenas biological child would be.

Something else has been bothering me. There are so many questions that we have to answer about this baby. Is it a boy or a girl? What will it look like? Will it have powers? If so what powers would it have? What if she has twins? If it is twins will the Gemini coven come for them or does the fact that Valerie was shunned from the coven mean that the potential twins would be safe? What would we name the baby? What would we do about Valerie? Would we let her be apart of the baby's life or keep it hidden from her to protect the baby? If we keep the baby hidden then how would we ensure that Valerie would never find it or even have knowledge of it being alive? If she's part of its life then how would the custody work? And finally what does this mean for Damon and Elenas relationship? Would they break up or stay together despite the complications? All these questions will need answers eventually, some sooner rather than later. There's so much to do and so little time to do it in. For now we have to remain focused on finding out how this all is even possible.

It's time for me to leave you for the night, Bonnie thinks she might have found a lead. I'll keep you up to date with what's going on.


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