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"Sorry, we're late guys." Uraraka apologized as she and Bakugou sat down. "Bakugou had a bit of a..." She searched for the right words as her boyfriend glared at her.

"Tantrum?" Todoroki suggested as he shoveled some rice in his mouth.

"Yeah! He was having a bit of a tantrum!" Uraraka said, happily clapping her hands together.

"Shut it, Icy-Hot!" Bakugou stood up angerly. Sero and Ashido burst out laughing. "What are you losers laughing at?!"

"Y-you're not denying it!" Sero smiled. Bakugou's face turned redder than Kirishima's hair. He slammed his palm on the table and activated his quirk sending Uraraka and Sero's food everywhere. He took Ashido's knife and threw it at the wall and stomped out of the lunchroom.

"I-is that what he did in the hall?!" Ashido asked with a smile.

"Yeah..." Uraraka frowned. "Sorry about your lunch Sero!"

"I was finished anyway." He shrugged.

"Woah!" They turned. It was Aiko and Takahashi. Right next to Aiko's head was the knife. "Goddamn it! Which one of you brats threw that!?" Aiko yelled. Everyone pointed at Bakugou who they could just see through the door window. She scowled and turned to follow him before Takahashi grabbed the caller of her jacket and held her back.

"Let's not do that." She said. "You can kick his ass after we find Uraraka."

"Guys!?" Uraraka yelled. They turned.

"Ochako!" They both ran towards her and tackled her sending her to the floor. "We're so happy you're ok! We missed you!" Aiko laughed.

"How did you survive?!" Takahashi wailed.

"Hey, guys! I missed you too!" Uraraka laughed as she stood up. "Come sit with us!" She said. The girls took a seat at the table and Uraraka filled them in on everything. After they were done asking questions, they went back to the issue with Bakugou. "Aiko, I promise he doesn't hate you!"

"Really?" She rolled her eyes. "He threw me into the snow, almost stabbed me, dragged me by the throat just for talking to him, gives me mean looks anytime he sees me and just threw a knife at my head."

"Yeah, he does that to everyone." Ashido smiled.

"He does?" Ashido nodded. "What a bitch."

"That's what I've been saying this whole time." Said Todoroki blankly. Everyone began to laugh. Takahashi hung her arm over his shoulder.

"Who knew you had a sense of humor?" She laughed. Uraraka smiled encouragingly at him.

"That's our Shoto for ya! Powerful and funny!" Takahashi looked curiously at him.

"Cool! My two favorite things! Hey, how would you like to train with me?" She asked.

"R-really?" He asked.

"Sure! Third years get to train during lunch so if you wanna go now-"

"Yes!" He said happily. "I-I mean sure." She laughed and stood up to leave. Todoroki followed but turned around, smiled and gave Uraraka a thumbs up which she returned. When they left, Ashido sighed.

"You're just the best, aren't you?" Uraraka smiled.

"Oi, Kirishima?" He turned.


"Ashido told me she wants to get her hair dyed. I know you're into that kind of stuff so you guys should go do something like that after school."

"I'm up for that. You?" He turned to Ashido who nodded. "Great! I know this really cool place downtown we can go. What color do you wanna get?" He smiled. "My Pinterest page is full of different colors they do. Come'er, I'll show you!" Ashido walked over and sat down next to him as he pulled up different colors.

"Oh, that's pretty!" She said pointing at the screen.

"Yeah, that'd look cute on you!" He smiled. They looked at each other and blushed. "W-what? I-it would."

"Thanks." Ashido ruffled his hair playfully. Kirishima looked at Uraraka and smiled. Aiko nudged her in the ribs.

"You matchmaker you." She whispered. Uraraka smiled. "No. No, I don't want a boyfriend!" She hissed. Uraraka shrugged.

"Shoji?" She called down the table.

"Who the hell is-" Shoji turned and waved. One of his mouths moved over to them.

"Did you need something, Uraraka?" He asked politely.

"Oh, no! I just wanted to introduce you to my friend here. Shoji, this is Aiko. She's a third year." Uraraka smiled.

"Oh, hello there. Very nice to meet you, Aiko. I'm Mezo Shoji."

"H-hello," Aiko said waving slightly to the mouth.

"Shoji, sorry to be a bother, but could you come over here? Aiko here if excited to meet you and wants to see your handsome face." Uraraka smiled.

"Oh, yes, of course. It's hard to meet someone without seeing them in person." He said. The mouth disappeared and a few seconds later, Shoji appeared. His mouth on his first left arm opened. "Hello-" He paused. They stared at each other, mouths slightly open. He blinked and laughed nervously. "I'm sorry, I'm not normally like this, it's just that you're very pretty." He smiled. "Excuse me. It was very nice to meet you." He bowed and walked away, his face red.

"Aiko?" Uraraka smiled and nudged her. "You ok?"

"He's... he's very attractive." She said blankly.

"Told you." Uraraka laughed. "And I think he likes you!"

"Yeah," Kaminari smiled. "I've never seen him act like that. Hey, Uraraka, could you get me a girlfriend?"

"Sure! Jiro!" She yelled down the table.

"What!?" Jiro yelled back.

"What?! N-not her!" Kaminari turned red.

"Come'er!" Jiro walked down to them.

"What is it?" She said, obviously pissed off.

"What happens if you get electrocuted?" Uraraka asked sweetly.

"Well-" She paused. "I-I don't know... why?"

"No reason..." Uraraka shrugged. "But Denki wanted to know."

"Y-you did?" Jiro blushed as she looked at him. He began to shake his head before Uraraka kicked from under the table.

"Y-yeah! I think your quirk is really cool and I wanted to know what happens when it mixes with mine." He coughed. She laughed.

"I have no idea what happens, we should find out! Here, come to my dorm after school." She smiled. "Pikachu."

"Jiro quit messing with me!" He yelled. She burst out laughing and ran back to her seat. "Uraraka!" He yelled. Uraraka laughed. "Now she's gonna think I'm an idiot!"

"I think she already thinks that." Sero laughed. "Hey, can I get a soul mate?"

"No, Sero," Uraraka said flatly. "You will forever be alone." Everyone began to laugh. He rolled his eyes.

"Anyway," He cleared his throat. "You should probably go check on yours."

"Yeah, Bakubitch has been gone for a while now," Aiko said as she waved to Shoji, who was walking towards them. Uraraka slapped her arm lightly and looked at the cafeteria doors.

"You're right. I'll go check on him." She stood up, bowed to them all and left to find him.

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