I Won't Leave You

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Bakugou, who had finally gotten over the fact that he had said what he did to Uraraka, got up out of the snow, picked up Kacchan and went back to Heights Alliance. Kacchan gave him a disapproving frown as they walked.

"Stop fuckin' at me like that! I didn't mean to say it!" He yelled. The people around them turned and stared. "THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKIN' AT?!" Bakugou snapped at them. They turned around and walked away embarrassed. Bakugou sighed. "You think she's mad at me?" He asked. The cat tilted its head in reply. "Goddamnit, Kacchan, I need a straight answer!" They walked into the dorms. Everyone was gathered in the common room, watching the news. "What're you morons doing?"

"SHHH!" They hushed him in unison. Kirishima got up and ran over to Bakugou. "Bakugou! It's Uraraka and Yoayurozu! They were called out on a mission!"

"WHAT!?" He ran over to the TV.

"New heroes in training have entered the scene!" The reporter said. "UA students, Creati and Uravity are on the case, fighting alongside Endeavor and Best Jeanist!"

"Yes, what is the motive for the villain?" Another reporter asked.

"Well, Miyagi, the villain they are currently facing is a very strong one who goes by the name Relevant! His quirk is called Pain Deception! Any type of pain inflicted on him can be turned onto another! He is very dangerous and should be avoided at all cost!"

Everyone gasped. "Oh my fuck!" Kaminari yelled.

"Poor girls!"

"He's gonna crush them!"

"Everyone, remain calm!" Iida yelled. "We must have faith in our friends!" Everyone nodded, keeping their eyes glued to the screen. You promised you wouldn't leave... Bakugou thought selfishly.

"What's this!?" The reporter yelled. "A new villain has appeared! Oh my gosh! It's the deadly villain GunShot!" Everyone gasped.

"G-GUNSHOT!?" Ashido cried. "The one who can turn anything into a firearm?!"

"Oh no!"

"Class 1-A!" Aizawa burst into the room. "Get ready! You all are needed in Tokyo! Even those of you without your licenses are needed!" Bakugou was the first the react. He went to the Heroes Closet and pulled out his Hero Costume. They all got ready and rushed to Tokyo.

The ran onto the battlefield and joined in the chaos.

"K-Keep fighting!" Best Jeanist yelled. "Help is here!"

"Creati, watch it!" Endeavor stopped a bullet from hitting her.

"Thanks! Uravity!" She created a shield and threw it to Uraraka. She caught it just soon enough to block a punch thrown by Relevant. He grunted and directed his quirk at her. Her right hand began to hurt like hell. "Uh! How do we defeat a villain who doesn't feel pain!?"

"Push them back!" Yoayurozu shouted. She landed a hit on GunShot, who fell backward. "Gah!" He shot her in the elbow.

"Stupid child!" He laughed. "Relevant, where are the others?!"

"Here!" A girl ran into the chaos.

"Wrecking Ball! Took ya long enough!" Relevant roared.

"Can it, villain!" Uraraka hit him over the head with the shield, knocking him out. "I got one, Best Jeanist!" Best Jeanist turned and wrapped him in thread. "Ashido!" She cried.

"Hiya!" Ashido grabbed the knocked out villain and ran him over to the police car, shoving him inside.

"Shut up, scum!" The new villain with short black hair appeared in front of her. "I almost feel bad killing you!" She laughed. She shoved her hand out in front of her sending a giant ball and chain at Uraraka.

"GAH!" She touched the ball with all five fingers and sent it flying in the air. The ball hovered over the villain. "Release!" Uraraka shouted. The ball fell and the girl barely dodged it.

"A-a gravity quirk, ah?" She laughed trying to catch her breath. "Two can play at that game!" She pulled up the ball and slammed it back on the ground. The earth shook and threw Uraraka high into the air.

"AHHH!" She began to fall. She landed but it didn't hurt. She opened her eyes. She looked into Bakugou's angry face. She smiled at the villain.

"IS THAT ALL YOU GOT, YOU BASTARD?" The girl rolled her eyes and sent the ball flying at him. He sent a large explosion at it and broke it into tiny pieces. The villain flew backward and hit a wall. "You ok?" He said gently, looking down at Uraraka.

"You're here!" She said amazed.

"Of course I am! You think I would miss kicking some ass?!" He laughed. She smiled as he set her down. He kissed her lightly on the forehead and ran to help the others. Uraraka smiled as she looked at him. "Uraraka, watch it-" She flew backward into the air and fell to the ground landing on her stomach.

"Look alive, kid!" Endeavor shouted. Bakugou turned. A villain was running at him at high speeds.

"Gah..." Uraraka groaned. She looked up to see who her attacker was but all she saw was a little boy. "W-what?" The boy smiled.

"Wouldn't be fun to see you burn to a crisp?" He reached out his hand and raised it slowly. Uraraka was forced off the ground as if she was being carried by her neck. "Do you like my quirk?" Uraraka screamed. She felt like she was on fire. Every inch of her burned. "My quirk is called cinder." The boy smiled. "Do you like it?"

"T-Todoroki!" She cried. He turned and pressed his hand to the ground. A giant wall of ice encased the little boy. Uraraka fell to her knees as his quirk deactivated. "Th-thanks!" She choked. She looked around. Everyone was fighting their own villain. Where the hell are they all coming from?! She thought. She ran to help Momo, who was struggling to fight off a winged villain.

"Momo, make some rope!" She yelled. Momo opened her shirt and made a long strong rope.

"Here!" She handed it to her. "What are you going to do?"

"Here, birdy!" Uraraka taunted as she tied the rope into a lasso. The villain turned and dove at her. Uraraka dodged the attack and threw the lasso at her. It got caught around her wings and tightened. Uraraka and Momo pulled her down from the sky and tied her up. By now, everyone had finished their battles and were rounding up the defeated villains.

"Uraraka!" Bakugou yelled. He smiled as he walked towards her. She waved.

"Hi, Bakugou-" The wall next to her exploded.

"URARAKA!" Everyone turned to look. The dust cleared and everyone saw a horrific scene. Uraraka was pinned to the ground by GunShot who had a gun pointed at her chest. Bakugou ran forward but was punched my a villain who escaped his bonds.

"Silly little girl!" GunShot laughed. Uraraka smiled and touched his hand with all five fingers. He began to float. "Stupid brat!" Uraraka pressed her fingers together, making him fall. He hit his back on the ground and stood up. She punched him hard in the jaw. He took out a knife and stabbed it into her cheek and dragged it along her face, leaving a giant gash. She screamed in pain. "Aw, does that hurt?" He mocked. He grabbed the bloody knife and shoved it in her left shoulder. "Is that better, bitch!?" He grabbed a rock off the ground and turned it into a gun. Bakugou, who had just finished tieing up the villain again, watched as he put the pistol to her head. "Come any closer, and I'll blow her brains out!" He froze.

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