Hanging Out- Again

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The bell rang for the end of the day and you remembered it was Thursday- and that you would be walking to town with the Glitter Force, instead of walking home alone. You met up outside of the school and began to walk.
Oh, walking with your so-called "friends". How nice and totally not something you do everyday.
oh don't ruin this for me, and you know very well that we're not just walking.
Oh? What are you doing then, if you aren't just walking?
You have heard both me AND them talk about it all day, take a HINT.
I've said it before, I believe, I don't pay attention to things I don't care about.
well, I'm going to have to stop paying attention to you for a while so I can enjoy hanging out with my friends.
I'll be there, making sarcastic comments.
knock yourself out.

"Y/n? You stopped talking. Is he still there?" Chloe asked, concerned. The others looked slightly concerned. You bet I am, always watching.

You shook your head and smiled, "My head feels lighter now, I think he might have left for a while." The others looked happily surprised, "Come on, let's just have fun!" Another lie, interesting. You had no reason to lie... or did you?

"Yay! So what do you guys wanna do in town?" Emily squealed happily and you couldn't help but smile.

"I'm hungry, can we go to a cafè?" April groaned, which made everyone laugh.
Kelsey smirked. "April, you're always hungry."
"That sounds good!" You grinned, "I've been dreaming of a blueberry muffin since forever." Actually, I've been in your head and I can say that that is factually incorrect.

Emily laughed, "Cafè it is, then!" And you all becan to walk in the direction of the small coffee place.
"I'd like to check out a stationary place too," Chloe said, "I've been meaning to buy some more calligraphy pens for a while now."
Lily looked up from the ground, "Yeah, and I need another sketchbook. Maybe we can go together?" The two agreed on it.

When you reached the cafè, you felt instantly calmer as the scent of coffee beans filled your nose. It was ironic, really. Chloe, Emily and Kelsey held the table while the three of you went to order first. Lily asked for a slice of lemon cake, you a blueberry muffin, and April for about five different things. When you sat back down, the others went up to order their food. By the time they had sat down again, April had finished everything on her plate. You looked to see what the other people had ordered- a cupcake for Emily, a latte for Kelsey, and for Chloe- a green tea. It was interesting, one of those small things that says a lot about a person, and you wondered what your blueberry muffin said about you.

The six of you sat around the table and joked for a while as you finished off what you had ordered, and you felt so much happier. Here you were, with five new friends who all seemed to like you. How lucky you were.

When you exited, they decided to head to the stationary store for Lily and Chloe. But before any of you could step inside, there was a sudden heaviness to the air and the sky seemed to darken a little, which was odd for such a sunny day.

"Guys? What's going on?" You look with uncertainty at the five of them, who looked surprised and angry. You took in their expressions and realized, "It's another attack by that wolf, isn't it?" You managed to mumble it out before dropping to your knees. Ulrik.. what a nice surprise.

There was a lump in your throat and you stared at your hands, unable to do anything. You felt an agonizing wave of sadness hit you- it was like all your emotions appearing at once and you felt almost unable to breathe.

"Not another attack! We had one, like, yesterday I swear!" Kelsey said angrily, kicking at the ground, "Doesn't that wolf ever get tired?!"

Chloe looked cautious, "It's not him- look, the sky is red. It's Brute."

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