Chapter III - Foreshadowing

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Guys I panicked for like 5 minutes I really wanted to write this part but I couldn't find my chapter guide and grrrr but I found it and I'm writing now so enjoy 😂


I posted the last chapter 3 weeks ago I am so sorry I didn't mean to take so long


Also that picture will make sense at the end of the chapter I promise 😊


"(Y/n)! Finally you're home! Where have you been?!" (Y/n)'s roommate, Kuma, questioned as she rose from the couch once she heard the opening and closing of their apartment door. "It's like 2 hours past the time you usually come home!"

"Yes, it is. I'm sorry Kuma, I should've told you, but I had an awful day at work and so I wanted to stop to get some alcohol. I got to this bar on the corner of the street like five minutes from here, and there were these two incredibly nice men there who bought my drink-"

"Did they drug you?! Are you okay?! You shouldn't accept drinks fr-"

"Kuma, I'm fine," (Y/n) said, stopping her slew of questions from worry. "I watched the bartender make my drink. And besides, they said they were heroes so I highly doubt they'd drug someone..."

"Heroes?! Girl, so your ass on the couch, (f/movie) just came on. I'm gonna grab a bottle of wine and you're going to tell me everything."

(Y/n) smiled and rolled her as as she watched Kuma's long brunette hair bounce and sway back and forth as she practically skipped to the kitchen. Once Kuma got the partially empty bottle of wine and two glasses, she came out of the kitchen and pushed (y/n) into the living room.

"Girl, tell me the story, and don't leave out anything, okay?" Kuma said as she poured wine into the two glasses, setting the now almost empty wine bottle on the coffee table.

(Y/n) picked up one of the glasses of wine and brought it to her lips. She sipped a little bit before looking at the glass with curiosity. "White Zinfadel?" (Y/n) asked after smacking her lips together a couple of times.

"Mhmm!" Kuma said as she took a sip of her own. "But come on, juicy details girl!"

"Okay okay..." (Y/n) laughed. "Well, to start, my coworker and I had to deal with a busy coffee shop with a bunch of angry customers because our boss left us to fend for ourselves practically..."

Kuma gasped. "Dude really? I knew there was something off about him from the moment I met him! What a dick bag!! I swear I could beat his ass if he wasn't like 50 or however old that geezer is..."

(Y/n) almost spit out her drink. "Kuma!!!" She laughed. "And none of my co-workers know his actual age. We all agreed he's around 65 though."

"Sixty-fucking-five?! That's way too old to be working in a coffee shop! But that doesn't matter, were the heroes you met cute?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

(Y/n) giggled as she playfully hit Kuma's shoulder. "Oh stop Kuma, you know I'm not looking for my mate right now..."

"I sense a 'but' coming." Kuma smirked.

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