Dream (Nov. 23rd, 2018)

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It was a gloomy day, the clouds were a sheet of grey that covered the once beautiful baby blue sky. Bare trees, probably arranging from oaks and birches, stretched across the carpeted autumn leaf floor, which were a candlelight orange and a light coffee brown color. The trees were tall and thin with their branches beginning to sprout out once they grew at least 9 feet tall. Some trees had fewer branches but were much larger in size than the others and were more... neatly arranged, so to say, while others let their bark fly all over the place like a bird stretching out its wings. In the desolate forest the trees would stay closely together in rows to the left while if you looked straight forward these trees wanted to be more alone and were more spread out planted in random spots. But there were still plenty of bare trees as far as the eye could see.

I remember this because I had sat up from my sleeping position to turn to see millions of bird feeders strapped onto the trees like seatbelts. Their light brown and oak colored coats were an excellent way to camouflage themselves from its predators, squirrels. Speaking of which even though there were no birds buzzing around these free meals a red squirrel had managed to get its hands on its prey, but it was more like a marmalade fur coat. I guess the place wasn't so desolate after all, in fact now I could see little birds, probably some Sparrows, Wrens and some Chickadees while I'm at it. Sure there were probably more specific types of birds and maybe some other species but because they were buzzing all over the place like busy workers and not sitting on the ground right in front of me. I guess I had just missed the flying life forces that were flying above the branches looking for a bird feeder to take some food from.

My eyes were glued to the animals in front of me like I was watching my favorite show, maybe it wasn't a normal thing for my character to see or maybe I just admired the creatures that took the food from the feeders, maybe they were even mine. And just in case I assumed that my character was a girl because I am a girl even though I can be a boy from time to time... no I'm not being sexist. Anyways my eyes are still fixed on these birds and one squirrel I've seen so far before I let my gaze drift to view the surrounding area. That's when I noticed something odd, something you'd see in a horror movie. I was laying in a bed in the middle of the woods, like what the f$#%. Obviously it is probably normal for the character in my dream because you know, its a dream and it usually never makes any sense whatsoever.

It was a twin sized bed with a glossy looking dark wood frame with a fancy headboard, and on it was obviously a twin sized bed but it had no sheet which revealed stains of brown on it. I had a torn, navy blue blanket that looked incredibly soft, the surface was smooth and shiny and underneath the fabric, dots sprouted out of it kind of like fleece. The blanket was just enough to cover my legs and upper body but I'd need to crouch or curl myself into a ball to fit my head underneath. There were also two objects laid on top that I can only remember the colors of, a hot pink and a fiery orange. For now they were blurry objects I can't remember but I feel like they might have been toys I had or torn sheets of fabric I had stumbled upon. But what was unsettling was how the bed was placed, I'm not talking about where it was but the surrounding area made me tense up a little. Let me explain: basically it was like the bed was the center of the forest and the trees sprouted around it but made sure to keep their distance. That being said it was like there was this invisible boundary line that circled around the bed, leaving a leaf colored earth around the it. Creepy right, but that's not even the weirdest part, sure a bed in the middle of the woods is a creepy sight but just wait for what happens next.

I stopped as I turned to face completely forward, trees spread across the flat terrain right in front of me, ending at a gray foggy appearance that was most likely the sky and the trees just faded out like they weren't even there to begin with. With that I, or my character to say, laid back down where I found my head hit a pillow that could use a little more feathers, and by a little I mean a lot. I notice now that I hadn't turned to face my right side, my peripheral vision of my whole surroundings was missing what ever was on my right side. It was like it was a danger to know what was on my right, sure it was probably more tall trees and forest but why had I not looked that way. Then again maybe I woke up on my left side and just heard something in front of me, I assume my character had just woken up or something when the dream started, and didn't bother to look to the right. But still it was very odd to not instinctively turn to my right just to look around. I mean was there a problem that was keeping me from turning to my right or something, worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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