Chapter Four

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[ Y/N's P.O.V ]

I had to go to the store for *cough cough* pads/tampons/period cup *cOUGH cOUGH* and Tom wanted some meat. I was talking on the phone to [Friend Name] and I'm the type that walks around ignoring the things going on around me. I bumped into someone and apologised. I hung up and said "Sorry, I didn't mean to, I swear" the man gave me a dirty look.

He wore a red hoodie and had dirty blonde devil shaped horned hair. He walked off and I shook off the weird feeling. After finishing my shopping I headed down the alleyway that cuts down to my house. I suddenly hear a crunch. I turn besides me and see that man again. He ran up to me and put a rag to my face. I tried to fight back but my eyes shut close.

[ A Day Later ]

I woke up on a table. I was in a white room with scalpels and shit. I realised I was the victim of an operation. I sat up and looked at my hands and saw black paws. I screamed but a simple "mew" came out. I covered my mouth and felt wings close in on me. "Eek" I cried out falling to the floor. I saw a snake like tail wagging softly. "Shit..." I whispered getting up and finding a way out of the place.

I ended up in a park and I had no idea where I was. I was sitting on a bench having a mid panic attack. "Hey are you ok?" I hear someone ask me. I flinch and look to the person. It was two people, a guy with brown hair and a green hoodie. The other had ginger hair and a purple hoodie with a green over coat. "What... are you?" "I don't know... a cat? And a snake? And a... demon?" I reply to the ginger. "I'm Edd, that's Matt" the one in green said. "I'm (Y/N)"

[ A Month Later Tom's P.O.V ]

In the month a lot happened. The Red Army told me (Y/N) was dead. I cried and cried but joined them anyways. We were about to take over the world.

[ A Year Later Y/N's P.O.V ]

I was at a toy store to buy something for Matt when I saw a Wanted poster on the shop window. It was that man. I got so angry I ran to the place I woke up in. Half way through Matt and Edd tried to stop me. They then got kidnapped and I had to save them.

[ 3 Hours Later ]

I saved the two men and I knew where the man was "his name is Tord" said Edd. I ran to Tord and knocked him over and scratched his face, wrapping my tail around his neck. I hear a gasp behind me "(Y/N)?" I turn to see Tom. "Tom?" He dropped his gun and he was in Red Army uniform. My heart smashed and my stomach sank, like John Cena punched me in the stomach. My eyes watered and my body shook. I was heartbroken and I looked over at him he opened up his arms and I ran up to him. But the heartbreak that I felt turned to anger. So I grabbed the gun and put the gun to his head and shot him. "I-I'm Sorry" I said quietly. I don't know if I was sad or something. I was emotionless. I turned to Tord, who was struggling to get up from the floor. I knocked him over again and put the gun into his mouth and shot him.

"I... don't... feel... anything..."

Sorry for the sad ending
I know it's depressing but I love stories that have sad endings and I like that authors like to fucking stab you in the feels
Here's an apology

A/NSorry for the sad endingI know it's depressing but I love stories that have sad endings and I like that authors like to fucking stab you in the feels Here's an apology

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There. It's done.
funtimefandom I hope that's what you wanted and I hope I didn't mess it up ;-;

 funtimefandom I hope that's what you wanted and I hope I didn't mess it up ;-;

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I didn't know Satan would be here THIS quickly

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