Chapter Eleven: Dedicated To...

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Hello. I am Nimja, and this is the story of the anniversary of Amsterdam- and how it suddenly took a turn for the worse.

The date was October 27th, a few days before Halloween, and all of Amsterdam was in a buzz. People were partying in the streets, speaking as much Dutch as they could possibly handle, eating pepernoten, riding bicycles, and generally being more Dutch than they had likely ever been in their entire lives.

And I was there.

As were OGiNiM, HyDrO, and Slang.

You see, that day was a very special day for the Dutch people; more specifically, the people of Amsterdam. On that day, in 1275, Amsterdam was founded, and since then the city had gone on to become the home of the Rijksmuseum, the Van Gogh museum, and many, many people.

Including myself.

So, to celebrate the anniversary, the citizens of Amsterdam were having a huge celebration, complete with food, music, speeches, a visit to the Rijksmuseum, and a hypnotic trance.

Yes, you did read that last line correctly.

You see, I had been fortunate enough to have been selected as the guest of honor for the ceremony. Of course I was extremely flattered, and thanked the organizers of the event- a couple of unnamed citizens- greatly, yet I was also very confused. Why in the world would they choose me, of all people, to be a special guest of honor at the ceremony? I wasn't any more special than the rest of the Dutchies; I was simply a normal guy with a life of programming, nerdy stuff, and hypnosis. I had no clue as to why they would possibly choose me.

But that wasn't all. Oh, no. They also asked OGiNiM, HyDrO and Slang if they wanted to attend the event. The three of them reacted exactly how you would expect them to- OGiNiM was extremely enthusiastic and responded in Dutch, HyDrO simply said "Sure, I'll go if Sir will be there," and Slang?

Reluctantly accepted, but made the organizers know just how horrified he was of snacks made from paper and strange machines that would probably knock him over if he even tried to ride them.

The good news was he was at least comforted by the knowledge that he would visit the Rijksmuseum- and therefore see Night Watch and, therefore, return to his home, which he hadn't seen in ages.

Which was fine, I presumed. :)

On top of that, the entire thing was going to be broadcast live to millions of televisions across Amsterdam, as it had been every year for the past 30 years. Yet the people were predicting that this year was going to be the biggest year yet. More people would watch this annual anniversary than any other year for one single reason.

Namely, that I would be there.

Which was also slightly confusing. It seemed that ever since my transformation into a Mew more and more people who I had never met before were being made aware of my existence. All of a sudden there was a very real possibility that I could hit 500,000 subscribers by the end of the year. That's how much more interest I was getting.

It was confusing.

And yet flattering.

But still, I enjoyed the thought that the people of Amsterdam were so interested in me.

What I didn't know, however, was what exactly was going to happen that day. It was live, after all, and anything could happen.

And something did happen.

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