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Loving Rose was like loving a star, you can love it all you want but it'll never love you back, or at least thats what it felt like sometimes.

You two had started dating a few years ago, it had been fun at first but you couldn't shake this feeling she didn't really feel the same.

"I'm going round the corner for milk, you want anything?" Rose called out from the next room, you stared up at the ceiling of your shared flat as you layed on the sofa.

"Nope." You replied, closing your eyes tiredly.

You heard the distant slam of the door. Sitting up you looked over to the kitchen sink, maybe you should make her some tea?

Yeah, tea.

You stood up, walking to the cupboard and pulling out some tea bags.

What if she didnt come back? It'd happened before, said she'd be five minutes and she'd appear a few days later.

You got it, the Doctor didn't usually give her warnings about their sudden adventures, and sometimes he couldn't control when she got back...

...But that didn't make it hurt less.

You grabbed two mugs from the kitchen side, placing the teabags inside.

It sometimes made you feel like you were the awkward girl who tagged along with the others at school, like they pittied you. The worst part was Rose didn't seem to notice.

You turned on the kettle, walking over to the stack of postcards and trinkets Rose and brought from around the universe for you.

It wasn't like she didn't invite you with her, she did, and you enjoyed the adventures, you enjoyed it all.

But you knew Rose needed someone normal in her life, so... you gave it all up, gave up the universe for her.


You turned around, that's odd, she was quicker then you expected.

Rose walked in, her outfit different and her hair curled, a huge smile on her face as she ran over to you, pulling you into a tight hug.

You found yourself not returning the gesture.

"How long?" You asked, pushing her off you.

Rose's smile faded "Just a few weeks. I havent been gone ages have I? The Doctor promised I've only been gone a minute or two." She said, reaching out for your hand.

"Yeah... yeah just a minute or two." You mumbled, turning back to the tea.

"What's wrong?" Rose asked suddenly, you sighed heavily turning to look at her.

"Nothings wrong." You lied quickly, Rose raised a concerned eyebrow.

"I know, I should of let you know I was leaving," she said, taking her hands in yours "I just got so excited, you don't know what its like Y/N."

You pulled your hands away, "Of course I fucking know," you said, voice raised "You can't keep doing this Rose. You need to tell me when you're leaving, even if you come back a moment later, what if something happened to you?"

"But nothing happened!" Rose argued.

"Stop acting like a child Rose! You could of been killed, at least let me know next time you're off saving the world with Mr perfect." You snapped.

Rose sighed heavily, hitting the kitchen side in anger "Mr perfect? Is this what its about? You're jealous of the Doctor? Now who's acting like a child."

"Its not like that." You replied angrily.

"Then what's it like Y/N? You don't understand what its like, seeing all those planets." She snapped.

"Of course I know what its like! Its amazing, its like nothing you've ever seen before. And theres so much, so much to see and do, and you want to do all of it. I want to fucking do all of it!" You shouted, Rose shook her head angrily.

" you told me you didn't like it." Rose cried.

"Because you need this life Rose, you need someone who's always here for you, someone who's not putting you in danger." You argued.

"He's not putting me in danger." Rose said, closing her eyes and breathing deeply.

"Yes he is! Why do you do this? why do you trust him?" You cried.

"Because he shows me a better way of living life Y/N!" Rose shouted.

"A...a better way of living life? A life without me?" You asked, tears beginning to roll down your face.

"Y/N...I..." Rose spluttered, realising what she'd said.

You pushed past her, grabbing your coat.

"Y/N please, I didn't mean it, please Y/N..." Rose said desperately, trying to grab your hand but you pushed her away.

You looked at her, tears rolling down both of your faces "Have fun in your better life. I know when I'm not wanted."

"Y/N I love you, please," Rose cried, you ignored her, slamming the door behind you with a loud thud.


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