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Jax's point of vision.

I can't stop my eyes from looking every minute across to her table. I can't help it.
Soon enough I find myself staring through the bookshelves surrounding me from where I'm seated.

I try to keep my eyes unto the words I'm supposed to read, but this girl has gotten the better of me.
When I comfort myself at the thought of her full pink lips one day saying the words I want to hear most, I see another figure trying to catch her attention.

But of course, my dear friend is too stubborn to even look up.
Plus, she made eye contact with me first.

But I'm proven wrong when her head shots up and I almost gasp in disbelief.
But then I sigh knowing that she's still too stubborn to even allow a guy to flirt with her.
Yet again I'm proven wrong when her cheeks turn red.
My heart shattered at the sight and I shake my head in disappointment.

She literary just blushed at what he said??!

I see her smiling and laughing and I just can't help myself; my chair screeches the floor as I stand up and try to casually walk over but instead it turns out as though I'm running.

I take a chair next to the lovely fella who made this girl blush and without hesitation I add, "Hey Guys!"
Fiesty's eyes suddenly meets mine and I'm actually upset when I notice she didn't do it the moment I sat down.

Her eyes practically screams at me to leave. I can't point out the emotion but it breaks my heart that she can't stand me.
"You know, Fiesty, my backpack is still in class. Or should I say soon-to-be-girlfriend?"
I try to make her smile but it backfires completely as I'm met with two pairs of unbelievable emotion eyes.

"Soon to be what?" Daniel suddenly jerks up saying, his brown hair whipping in almost every direction and if I weren't as bad at reading emotion, I'd say he feels discouraged.

How on earth did this guy maybe win over her pretty little heart?

Then again, he's an absolute player so I guess him taking a liking in only one girl would make even the Loner blush.

"Girlfriend." I say hopeful that I can make Fiesty blush.
No reaction though.

"I'd seriously think twice before being your girlfriend." Fiesty adds and Daniel laughs.

They seem like having a good conversation and I plan on ruining that.
"Why, how come?"
"Because you have absolutely no clue who,what I am and you know nothing about me. Daniel on the other hand actually knows something you don't."

Fiesty sure is fiesty when it comes to comebacks.
But I'd say I beat her anytime.
"Is that so? Daniel, name at least one thing you know about Fiesty over here. "
He looks between me and Ann, then back to her and then me with some nervousness behind those chocolates.

"I know she likes studying so much that she might ignore the most attractive boy she's ever seen."
"Puh-lease," I start, "Fiesty already noticed me." I end with a wink and she suddenly turns red.

Not blushing. Anger.
Daniel's face looks as though he wants to murder and I can't help but smile.

"Wasn't referring to you."
"Ok then. Name something else I don't know about her. "

He thinks something over a second before replying.
"Her favorite color is turquoise. "
How could he possibly know that!!

She blushes and I look at her with disbelief and my eyes yell at her for keeping this from me.
Then again, she probably doesn't trust me.
"Well, Fiesty. Is it true?"
She nods her head looking down.

Right then do I notice all her notes are made in a light shade of blue that cannot be mistaken for turquoise.
I also notice how her glasses have a turquoise frame.
If she had to wear braces, it'd be turquoise for sure.

My battle between Daniel continues but I don't notice how the bell rings and how Fiesty walks away. I also don't notice how she glances over her shoulder, books clutched in front of her chest, to look at Daniel and smile a smile so small, it'd might be mistaken for a smirk.

Soon Daniel leaves and I realize I'm too late for class. Remembering that Annabelle has Maths right now, I walk around, lingering about in front of her class.
Whatever spell she's cast on me, I need her to remove it .

The last few days I can't think straight.
And that's never happened before.
I've seen her sitting alone from time to time, but only this past week did she really catch my attention.
The way she's always working so hard in class, it makes me want to be like that as well.
I've been wanting to talk to her, but whatever I say it comes out wrong and I can't help myself from not saying that she stole my heart. I need to focus when I talk to her.

She's the reason I switched from Technology to Natural Science in the middle of the year.
She's gotten my head around her pinkie and doesn't even know it.
I need to inhale every time I see her and then I forget to breathe. But it's silently breaking me, the bad boy, to just play it easy with her.

I know she's a Loner and I want to change that. I want to be her best friend. Somebody she can rely on.
I want her to be my girlfriend.

Did I just think that?
I want her to be my girlfriend. Does that mean I like her? Do I love her?
I've never loved a girl before.
How exactly does it feel?

I don't know how long I've been thinking of Fiesty, but an hour passed by and the bell rang to clarify the end of the day.
I get to see her.

I stand up straight, round the corner to the wall by her locker and wait.
I wait but she never arrives.
I wait but I get anxious every passing second.
And then I run. I run to her class, and sure enough, she's there. Alone.
Packing away.
I stand still, leaning onto the door frame and observe this beautiful scenery.
The sun's rays are playing with her hair, revealing the frizz on top of her head.
Her glasses reflect the rays perfectly and her freckles are enhanced by the dawning sun through the window.

"Do you even know how beautiful you are?"
Her head shoots up.
Did I say that out loud?

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