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As I walked into the hall this morning,  I couldn't help but notice a few glances my way.

What's going on?

Appearing at my locker are Jessie and her so called friends, all of them sharing the same full face mirror to apply about ten more layers of lipstick  whilst all of them have their own lockers with mirrors inside.

As I'm punching my code into the lock, Olivia looks at me, her face sour with disgust.
"Ann, even for you, that hairstyle is so last year."

I decide to ignore her.
But then I really couldn't help it.
"Olive," I say it with sweet sarcasm and raise my eyebrows,  hoping it'll show fake enthusiasm.
"The fact that you all share the same mirror, struggling to see yourself, is so idiotic."

I silently shut my locker as all of their faces drown in shock.
I hear whispers from them and can only imagine that their plotting revenge.
Slowly and amusingly I shake my head, looking to the floor, revising all the extra information about our NS test today.
I just love extra credit.

As I smile to myself ( thinking that if someone knew what I was thinking,  they'd send me to a mental hospital) I lose track of where I'm heading and accidentally bump into the person in front of me.
The loose strands of hair that forms my face are sticking to my cheek and as soon as I straighten my glasses, I see a familiar face in front of me.

I immediately blush and look to the floor.
The next thing I know, I feel something warm pressed up against my face and I'm surprised to see Daniel's hand removing the hair that stuck to me and tucking it behind my ear.

His eyes look sincere and kind, and for a moment I thought I saw a shooting star going off behind those glossy eyes of his.

I manage to greet him and then I remember all of my books are on the floor.
I kneel down and so does Daniel.
He helps me pick them up after scanning most of the papers in the files.
"What were you doing just now?"
"Well you were the one bumping into me. Do you need new glasses?"

At first I felt hurt; did he insult me?
But then I see his dashing smile and I can't seem to think that he meant it as an insult, but rather than a light joke to ease up the tension.
I smile weakly.

"I was heading to the Science Lab for our chemical test today. "
I add, choosing my words carefully.
He nods and hands me my books and files back.
Then he greets me and walks away.

A part of me was upset, but then I convinced myself he was only being considerate because of my test.
I feel the blood pouring into my face and cheeks as I head to class.


I was first in class.
Mostly because I didn't study for the test and I knew that Annabelle had,  but also so that I could sit next to her in class.
One after the other, students begin strolling inside and arriving to their seats.
Some were chatting as always, others were gossiping at how I'm never this early.
And some were just... I don't really know what they do.
They just, be themselves?

I grow more worried about Fiesty.
She's usually first in class.
Why is she late now?

Tempted, I stand up and rush out of the door.
My heart is pounding and my head is spinning.
Just let me know she's okay.

I run through every hallway, go to her locker, ask a girl to check the bathrooms.
I've tried everything to find her.
I've tried so hard that the test completely slipped my mind.
Sulking, I head back to class; surely, the door is locked and nobody would let me in even if I knocked.

I run outside to the nearest window in eye shot of Fiesty's seat.
Sure enough,  I catch glimpses of her as I'm jumping to see inside.
One time she looks up.
Our eyes meet for the smallest of fraction of a second.

That's all I needed. Just to see her.
She's so breathtakingly beautiful that she doesn't even see it.
I love her hair today but I miss the bun.

Once I gain my breath, I head to the hall.

My bag is still in class.

The moment the door opens, I stand upright, looking for an opportunity to get inside to retreive my bag.

In the meanwhile, I'm thinking of Fiesty.
What did she think when she saw my bag next to her? Or when she saw me through the window?
Did she think I'm skipping class?

The last person walks out, and leaves room for me to enter.
As I'm walking inside, Fiesty is right in front of me and bumps into my chest,  head first.
Surprised by the movement, she loses balance, with that heavy bag on her back as influence as well, and just before she could tumble, I catch her.

Instinct. I didn't want her getting hurt.
My right arm is supporting her back, my left is tangled with her right wrist.
The moment her head shoots up, I'm met with the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.

The rubies twinkle with shock and confusion all together,  and I wish I could remove that emotion.
I want her to be comfortable with me.
I'm letting my guard down here.

She can break me whenever she wants to, she just doesn't know it.

"Well isn't this a bit of Dé javú?"
I blurted it out before I could think.
Well it was either that or telling her you like her. Which would be more confusing, Jax?

She shakes her head a bit and bites her bottom lip,  deep in thought.
Why does that even turn me on?
Without warning, she slips away from under my grip, bends down and picks something up with the grace of a dancer.

The way her fingers curl around the object makes my heart flutter with the scene. How her nails are well taken care of and how soft her hands must be.

"I. I picked up your bag this time..."
She stumbles over her own words, as though she's tripping over her own feet, and I find that weirdly cute.
I smile. Probably looking like an idiot.

"Also, you missed the test today. You need to retake it tomorrow first thing or else you'll have detention. "
She continues..
Right then and there did I realize I love her voice.
She must be an amazing singer.
Whilst I'm deep in thought, she suddenly shoves the bag into my chest,  where she was only mere moments ago.
Now back to reality, I find focus.

"You owe me."
"Why?" I didn't understand what she meant.
Usually I'm the one helping her out and Stuff. At least I think so.

"I told the teacher you had a quick errand to run to the office which caused you to miss the test."
She blushed.
Not from anger.
Annabelle actually blushed in front of me?!

I smile.
She pushes her glasses up a bit to fit her nose bridge better.

"Thank you."
We lock eyes again.
Man, she's got me under some spell of hers.

"I mean it." I nodded my head, turned on my heel and left.
My heart was racing, I could feel it pumping my blood through my veins and then I came to the conclusion:
I love Annabelle.
I love that hardworking,  over thinking, maniac student who makes my life so much more dramatic than what it already is.
And I love her. For her.
I feel my face burn as though a fire has been set alight.

I come to a halt.
She won't ever accept my feelings.
She's way too stubborn to.
I'll just have to make her fall in love with me.

What a wonderful day indeed!
Both of the boy's point of visions!
Comment on whose you like more!

I recommend "His nerd next door" @HoneyJewels
You won't regret it!
Further more, my email is:

Feel free to contact me there for new book covers or anything to improve the story!
Thank you for reading!
-Maggie Kean

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