Promises | Alm (S Support)

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Alm made his first promise with his childhood friend, Celica. But he failed her. She died during Slayde's attack on Ram Village. He promised he would protect her, even if it costs his own life. There he sits inside of Mycen's home without moving an inch. The others were worried about him, especially (Y/n). (Let's just say that Faye fell in love with Kliff because of his timid nature which she adored the most about him.)Her heart grieved when Alm wasn't lively as he is. She wanted to cheer him up, but she felt he should be left alone for him to grieve about the latest events. "Faye, I-I don't know about this..." (Y/n) stammered as Faye helded a bouquet of flowers. "What do you mean by 'I don't know' (Y/n)? What I know that Alm needs some support or something to lift his spirits up." Faye said as she started to sew the flowers that were in her hand earlier. "I still don't know about it, or rather i haven't decided yet. And by the way, who's that for?" (Y/n) asked pointing to the unfinished flower crown Faye was making. Faye looked to where (Y/n) was pointing, then continued sewing the flower crown. "It's for Kliff, but don't change the subject! And you're still going to talk to Alm whether you like it or not!" Faye said as she stopped sewing the crown and pulled (Y/n) towards Mycen's home. Faye knocked on the door, with (Y/n) standing there, shaking. "Faye I don't think its a good idea--" (Y/n)'s words were cut off when Mycen opened the door. "Hm? Faye? (Y/n)? What are you two doing here?" Mycen asked the two little girls. Faye grinning triumphantly, held (Y/n)'s hand tighter than before. "Nope! I'm only here to escort (Y/n) to talk to Alm!" Faye said triumphantly as (Y/n) was frozen as a statue. Mcyen amazed with the news, went outside to tend the sheep but also giving the two some privacy. Faye left as well, finishing the flower crown she was going to give to Kliff.

(Y/n) breathed in deeply, and went inside the house. Alm heard the approaching steps and thought that it was Tobin or Gray. "Gray or Tobin if you two keep trying to talk out of me about the whole thing that happened, it's not gonna work." Alm said arms crossed still not facing the person approaching. "What if it's someone else?" (Y/n) asked, twiddling with her fingers. Alm, surprised that it was not Tobin or Gray but (Y/n). "(Y-Y/n)? Why are you here?" Alm asked the (H/c) haired girl. (Y/n) just laughed with her eyes closed, "Same thing as the others, helping you cope with your depression." (Y/n) said as she still smiled, eyes softening at Alm's appearance. "I-it's not depression (Y/n)." Alm said but (Y/n) raised a brow. "Are you sure? It kinda looks like it." Alm sighed and looked at the girl infront of him. "Promise me something, Alm." Alm was confused, but did what was told. "I promise that I'll protect everyone and you with all my strength." Alm paused took a deep breath, "and I also promise to be at your side, forever." (Y/n) eyes soften as she saw the Alm she knew before came back. With a determined smile, Alm grabbed (Y/n)'s hand went to their friends.

10 years later...

Alm sat alone, reminiscing the lastest events. The revelation of him being the heir of the rigelian throne, and he had also killed his father, without even meeting him. (Y/n) stands by as she sees Alm grieve for what he had done. She approaches Alm, hearing the approaching footsteps, Alm looked to who was approaching him. He watched as (Y/n) approach him and sat next to him. "I'm sorry for your loss, Alm." (Y/n) said silently, looking at the ground. "I-it's alright (Y/n), I still remember those days where I took the blame for Celica's death. But now, I was the one to blame. I killed my own kin." Alm said, his eyes teary when he said the last words. (Y/n) looked at him worriedly. "It's not your fault Alm, you didn't know." Alm didn't reply or something, he just sat there. But then his next request was something that (Y/n) requested him back then "Promise me something, (Y/n)." Taken back by Alm words, "W-What?" Alm said those words again, "Promise me something (Y/n). Promise me to always to stay by my side, and be my queen to rule all of Valentia." (Y/n) was shocked at Alm's words. Tears filled her eyes and she smiled, "Yes! I promise to stay by your side always and be your queen." Alm's eyes soften, hugged (Y/n) in a tight embrace. Giving her the ring he had saved for her.

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