Forgetful | Byleth (B Support)

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When will we be meeting again, (Y/n)?❞

The library had always been your sanctuary, it escaped you from daily problems as such, you could say that you've always treated this as a sanctuary when you were still a child. A few minutes has passed and there was no sign of him, He had been your book buddy since he disrupted your perfect quiet life. It had been a few months since you last saw him, you forgot how he looked like. Just in time, someone enters the library but it wasn't the one you were waiting for. They weren't wearing a dark palette like the one you were supposed to meet, instead they wore a pastel palette which was somehow irritating to your eyes, but you paid no mind to it. You began to read your book once again, You were so indulged in it you didn't notice your surroundings. A few hours passed and he still hasn't come, but you paid no mind to it because your nose was still in your book. But little did you know that person you were waiting for is the same one who wore the pastel pallete.

He looked everywhere, from sections to study areas and the documents, you weren't there. He made himself noticeable, from wearing a pastel esque instead of wearing his dark regular ones. Plus, he hasn't done the laundry in a week so he had to find other outfits to wear. Defeated, he sighed and sat beside the encyclopedias, he had been thinking of texting you but there wasn't any service. He opened his phone to check the time, "3:14" it said, he was supposed to meet you here a few hours ago but all he saw was some girl who got her nose stuck in her book. And alas! He has service now, so he texted you to meet him at a nearby café. Unfortunately, you didn't noticed that your phone went off.

You were still indulged in your book, not noticing the world around you. A specific name caught your attention, it was "Byleth". Why were you so intrigued with this name and why? Were you suddenly interested in Demonic Rituals or rather, it's the name of someone you knew. Without any hesitation, you decided to call him.

As he was going down the stairs, his phone went off, you calling him. He hesitated for a moment and answered the call.

( italic - you
bold - byleth)

Are you Byleth...?

He was estatic, though he didn't look like it but he was estatic deep with in. He forgot how soft your voice was, though you two only didn't meet up for few months.

Yes. Yes I am, What do you need?

A weird question of choice, but he still needs to make his move.

Um, it's me (Y/n). If you saw me earlier I was the girl who has stuck her nose in a book.

Ah. So that girl I saw earlier was her.

Did you see the message I sent earlier? We should meet up there.

You sighed as you looked to your phone's notifications, and there it was, the message he sent earlier, the one you didn't notice. Not after a few seconds of silence, Byleth speaks up.

If you hadn't noticed me earlier, I'm the one who was wearing a Pastel Palette.

Ah. So the one who barged in earlier was him.

Oh, that was you? A-Anyways, I'll be heading to the cafe right now. Later.


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