Part 43

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Everyone was dancing with their partners on the dance floor. Alisha was dancing with Veer with his hands on her waist and her arms in his shoulder. Rahil was sitting in the bar section having his drink and watching her dance.

He was shooting daggers at Veer for dancing with Alisha. Alisha looked his way and saw a murderous expression on his face. She gulped and quickly averted her eyes from him.

Veer asked her "You seem to be disturbed Alisha. Tell me what happened?" Alisha sighed "Not now I will tell you tomorrow"

The song changed and the partner switched. She came in Aarav's arms. She smiled at him "Hi Aarav how are you?" Aarav smiled back "Good what about you?" She replied "Fine how is Ruhi and everyone at home?"

Aarav shook his head "Everybody is fine Alisha expect Rahil. I know I should not interfere between you two but tell us why you left him Alisha. Rahil is miserable without you. My brother had forgotten the meaning of life since three years"

Tears sprang in her eyes "Somethings are better left unsaid Aarav. I cannot tell you all the reason but believe I had no other option"

Aarav got confused "May be you can tell me. I will help you Alisha no matter how big the problem is. I cannot see Rahil living lonely like this"

Alisha muttered under her breath "Atleast he is living now. If I would have been with him, he won't be in this world"

Aarav asked "What you just said now!" Alisha panicked replied "Nothing!" Before he could ask further, partners switched but Aarav heard what Alisha whispered herself.

Something was definitely fishy. He would have to talk about this to all and find out the real reason. He knew Alisha cannot take that step without any reason.

Alisha next went in Neev's arms "Hey Neev good to see you again" Neev smiled "Yes long time right! We met your daughter yesterday. She is really a cute little angel"

Alisha's face lit up hearing Zara's name "I know right. Anyways what about your baby?"

Neev smiled "Kiara miscarried first time but then after few months God graced us again with a baby girl. She is one and half year old now"

Alisha smiled at him "God cannot do bad with good people. You and Kiara are such kind people"

Then the partners switched again and she became Nirbhay's partner "Hey Alisha you look beautiful today" Alisha chuckled "Thanks Nirbhay since when you started giving comments. Ahana really changed you"

Nirbhay smiled "Yes love can do miracles. Ahana and Mahir gave a meaning to my life"
Alisha asked confused "Mahir?" Nirbhay grinned "Our son. He turned one last week"

Alisha sequeled "Congralutions Nirbhay. So much changed I guess in these last three years. Neev told that they have a daughter now"

Nirbhay smiled "Yes a sweet little daughter Samaira. Aarav and Ruhi have two year old twins Arham and Adil"

Alisha genuinely smiled "I am so happy to meet you all" Nirbhay raised his eyebrow "Just us or Rahil also" Her face fell hearing Rahil's name. Nirbhay sighed "Alisha it's been three years. Please talk to him and solve whatever differences you two have. He has changed so much after you left"

Alisha didn't wanted to discuss further about Rahil so she excused herself and went near Veer "I want to go home"

Veer said "You go and wait in our car. I will come in five minutes" Alisha nodded and left the party hall. On her way out, she met Ruhi,Ahana and Kiara. All the three girls instead of asking her anything hugged saying they all missed her.

Tears flew from her own eyes. She thought after what she did to Rahil, no one would talk with her from his family but everyone except him were talking so nicely with her.

That night after the party was over, Rahil was in no mood to talk with anyone so he straight away went to his room. Aarav called everyone else in his room and said about his talk with Alisha.

After hearing Aarav, Nirbhay said "I also think whatever Alisha did was just an act. There is some serious reason behind her act"

Ruhi piped "Yes today when she talked with us all she didn't seemed like she was avoiding us. She was still our old Alisha"

Ahana butted "Even I feel Bhabhi is hiding something. We need to find out and bring her and Rahil Bhai back together"

Kiara sighed "But Alisha have a daughter now. We don't know about her life now. We must also find about it"

Neev agreed "Yes this matter will not only affect Alisha and Rahil but even Zara. We should plan everything properly because there is no room for mistake"

Aarav smirked "I have something in mind. I am sure by that we will not only k ow the reason why Alisha and Rahil got separated but also about Zara's father"

He told his master plan to everyone. After hearing his plan,Ruhi pecked him on cheek "You are a genius darling! I am so proud of you!"

Rahil was in his room trying to sleep and shut his mind from useless thoughts but so far he couldn't do that. He irritatingly took a cigarette and started smoking. He was not a chain smoker but whenever he, Aarav or Nirbhay were in stress, they used to do it. Neev was the only one amongst them who didn't drink or smoke.

His thoughts again went back to Alisha. Her face was coming back in front of his eyes repeatedly. He couldn't forget the look on her face when they met first time today after three years, her dancing with Veer. How can she be so comfortable with him. How come he didn't know anything about Veer so far if Alisha is so close to him.

Are they two in love? Did she replaced him with Veer? And the most important question plaguing his mind since he came to know she is Zara's mother is who is Zara's father? Is Zara his daughter? If so then why she is calling Veer as her Papa? Yesterday even Veer was also treating her like his own daughter.

Rahil thought that small girl is adorable that no man will consider treating her differently. That child is too hard to resist. Just like her mother he muttered sadly. His mind was going to blast with so many questions and he desparately needed answers for all.

Today when he saw Alisha, the feelings which he supressed after she left surfaced again. His blood was boiling when he saw her dancing with Veer and laughing with him. He wanted to strangle every male specimen including Veer who was eyeing her. She was still his wife legally and he can't tolerate anyone looking at her or even more going close to her.

He threw his cigarette and punched the glass table in anger. Glass shattered into pieces and his hand started to bleed but it was nothing compared to the internal pain and turmoil he was experience right now.

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