the date

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He text me as soon as i got home i had a text.
'Hey beautiful. You really shook my world. Would you mind accompanying me tomorrow night for dinner'

'Hey. I would be honoured. I keep pinching myself in case im dreaming

'Your adorable. I will pick you up at 8'

I was lost for words. Did i just get a date with roger taylor? THE roger taylor! Im do excited

~time jump~

We are sat in the restaurant waiting for our food. Im so nervous. But roger stared into my eyes. Just looking at him makes my stomache flutter. His long blonde hair. His icy blue eyes. His beautiful body shape. I didnt want to stare but i couldnt help it. All of a sudden my drink dribbled down my chin.
"SHIT!" i shouted. I was so embarrassed but roger sat there laughing. His laugh was music to my ears. The food finally came and we talked and talked. I saw a side that no one has seen before. Not a famous guy. Not an interviewed guy. Not an extremely posh guy. A relaxed guy. I liked it. I liked him. We went back to his place and stayed up all night talking and watching movies. But when it was midnight, we shared our first kiss. It was more amazing then i could have imagined. He grinned at me and softly said,
" your a great kisser" i giggled. His accent raced through my head. So soft and smooth. And i couldnt resist. I lent in and kissed him. I knew that life with him would be great.

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