5 years later

16 0 0

We have been dating for 5 years now. I love him so much. Every weekend we go race car driving. And every thursday its band practise. Im alowed to go with them. But there is something roger doesnt know. People have started texting me. Not nicely. Plain horrible. Saying i dont deserve him. Saying they want to kill me. And more stuff. But i have tried hiding all of this. I spoke to john about what to do. I can always trust him. He says to tell roger. But i cant.

Stupid mistake. Roger found my phone. He looked through. I saw him looking. I stood in the doorway crying my heart out. I fall to the floor and he catches me. He holds me tight and wispers
" dont listen. I love you and it is never going to change."
I feel safe in his arms. His shirt is wet from my tears but he doesnt care. We are sat in the doorway with me asleep in his arms. He carries me to bed and lays next to me. His arm behind my neck. I nestle into him and he fiddles with my hair. I love it when he does that. I just love him. He always makes me feel better. While i sleep he stays there. He doesnt move. Except when 4 hours past and he only moved so he can properly hold me. He falls asleep too. We fall asleep holding each other. I couldnt wish for anything better.

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