I'm leaving

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Hi guys! 

This Chap will be really short but because of that, I'll make the next extra long!


When I woke up the next day, the cut on my face was throbbing, so I decided that there was no reason not to get up and leave early. I grabbed my stuff, woke up Toothless and left my hut. I walked to the Clubhouse, trying to dodge the water droplets dropping off roofs. 

When I got to the Clubhouse to get some food, the gang was already there, looking absolutely terrible.


Astrid shouted giving me a hug. I pushed her off, and walked to the food storage. After putting some food in a bag, I walked out and to the little platform on the outside of the building.

"Hiccup please, wait, Cuz."

Said Snotlout. After looking at them, I realised no one had really slept.


I said coldly, 

"I'm leaving."

They all looked astonished, and Fishlegs said quietly,

"I thought you were joking..."

I glared at him, practically killing him with my eyes. He shrunk down in his seat, looking back at his feet. I just rolled my eyes and attached my bag to Toothless. I mounted him, patting his head reassuringly before taking off.

"Let's Go bud."

Once we started flying, I didn't look back.


Oof the emotion. XD

anyway, again sorry for the shortness, but I did 4-5 other chapters today, and I will make up for it tomorrow!

Cya guys!!


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