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20 June, 2011

Couture Fashion Household
Designer, Edmund Styles, Dies.
Is It The End Of Fashion As We Know It?

Late night yesterday, on the 19th of June, fashion household legend and founder of the House of Styles was found dead in his London apartment. More details from the tragedy have now just surfaced and is stirring the fashion world in a craze. Now with more information and unanswered questions everyone wants the details on, we give you the full insight from the beginning to end and what is to happen next for the House of Styles.

If you haven't read our first article on the incident yesterday, click here!

At around 10:30pm on Sunday, Edmund Styles's neighbors began to hear strange sounds coming from the luxurious townhouse in West London. Witnesses Randolph and Effie McCormick claim to have heard, "Loud obnoxious banging with a harsh fall of some furniture here and there." The many odd noises that were coming from Styles's home were said to have come and gone as the time went by. Other neighbors remember hearing Styles yelling and even heard some glass shattering. Annie Fowler, living across the street recalls peeking through her curtains over to Styles's home and watching a silhouette stumble through his three-leveled home late that night. The McCormick's and neighbors living beside the home state the noise level later on went down towards midnight and don't recall of noticing any other strange behavior from Styles.

At 1:33 in the morning a caller, who still remains anonymous, notified the police to check in on Mister Styles and his home having heard the loud commotion from walking past outside late at night and was concerned for his personal state. Police then arrive at the townhouse by 2:25am, waking up some tired neighbors with them, and knock on the deceased's front door that was never answered.

Edmund Styles's was found face down in his bathroom dead from an overdose at 2:34am.

The forensic's team is still currently on sight at the scene and are still investigating what has happened. Our team was able to gather some information on the drugs taken by the late Styles, being the over the counter prescription drug, codeine. Apparently, Edmund Styles has recently been suffering from depression which codeine can cause if taken too much. Styles's doctor has been prescribing him codeine as far as last year due to aches and pains in his muscles. However, if you didn't know, codeine is an opioid that can cause severe depression, become addicting if used incorrectly, and be fatal in such cases as this. The drug has become more restricted over time from its deadly nature, but it is still being prescribed and served over the counter in certain prescriptions such as pain relievers including cough medicine.

More questions have now risen wondering: What happens now to the Styles and his fashion industry?

Many are speculating that perhaps Anastasia Styles, Styles's muse over the years, will come out of hiding to help save the fashion magazine and couture house business. Anastasia Styles, the former supermodel known as Anastasia Clarke, has been underground for years since her split with Edmund ended badly after the discovery of his affair. But, some are claiming that Anastasia is the sole owner of the business due to still claiming the surname Styles. Others are saying everything is being handed down to Adelaide Webster to run and execute the entirety of the luxury design house. Miss Webster, as we know, has been in the fashion business since she was thirteen modeling for Calvin Klein catalogs and walking about every prestigious runway that has been built. Because of her relationship with the late Styles, rumors are being made that she is to be the true holder of the fashion company.

However, many are concerned of handing off the fashion named household brand to a woman who does not hold the name "Styles." And because Anastasia Styles is still nowhere to be seen, many are looking at the son as a possible candidate. Harry Styles, son of Edmund and Anastasia, is said to have his father's eye to the fashion business. "Though only seventeen years old, his skills and crafts of designing are as brilliant as his father's," an insider to the family states.

The idea of a seventeen year old running an entire fashion franchise seems a bit far fetched. Though the belief that in a few years once at a proper age the prodigy of Edmund Styles might perhaps take control over the fashion house is a possibility. Our best bet currently resides between the two woman that were closest in Styles's life on who is to save the fashion universe from this tragedy.

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As we now wait patiently for news on what is to become of Edmund Styles's legacy, we should reflect on all that Styles has done for the fashion industry as he now passes on. By opening doors for many and creating new expenditures for this industry to take on, Styles will forever be known as a legend marked in history. 

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