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London has an interesting way of calling those in need.

Miraculously, the city calls to those it desires. Recipients need only to have their phone on them and their volume on full blast. Because what the city wants, the city receives.

Eliza was called to the city of London once finishing an internship with her professor at Central Saint Martins. Already studying and living in the city but, it didn't feel so real yet to her. When she wasn't at school, she was at home up north for her brother. And when she wasn't at home with her brother she was in a classroom or her dorm studying. Prepared to return back to her hometown once her studies had finished at Saint Martins, she received a voicemail. The call she was waiting for.

Through her school's internship, Eliza had proved to her professor that she was the woman for the job as a possible senior assistant for TeenStyles Magazine. A job in which is told is so difficult that only one out of five possible employees applying could possible land even an interview for. Luckily, Eliza's professor has close ties to the editor-in-chief of TeenStyles both having met once at an academic semester in Rome to which they became good friends.

Hence to why Eliza Wilde was already heard of before she entered through Mister Tomlinson's double doors.

From then on, Miss Wilde has never missed a phone call. And as she lies completely drowned in her slumber currently, her phone still rest on the edge of her bedside table awaiting for the next ring on the cellular device.

In Hammersmith the only notable things awake in the district are the early birds and the lamppost outside Eliza's bedroom window. They glow through the window curtains barely, not too much to affect her from sleeping in complete darkness. Lying on her stomach and still in yesterday's clothes after having the most stressful day at her job so far. Once returning from the station and greeting her roommate, her feet carried her up the steps and down she went plopping down on her bedsheets. Eliza has not moved since.

Her clock on the nightstand with her cellphone reads 5:24 a.m. sharp. Meaning Eliza has about a bit over and hour until she needs to wake up to head back to work.

Suddenly, her cellphone begins to ring. The brightness of the screen reflects across the walls and ceilings of the bedroom as the full-blasted ringing continues. At first she doesn't hear it, so lost in her dreams that for some reason begin to echo with a phone call going off in the distance. Coming back to reality, Eliza slowly opens her lashes for her surroundings to be a blur. She then connects the ringing to her phone and by now her brain stem is telling her that it's time to wake up.

Tired, destroyed, and slightly hungry her throat groans groggily from irritation due to the first thing happening today is being woken up by a phone call. Rubbing her eyes to smear out the blurriness in her visual span, Eliza finally moves to catch the call before the ringing ceases. Her body still laid out on her bed as he left hand reaches out, fully extended, and pats around for her phone against the nightstand. She feels her clock, then a pair of sunglasses, then a smooth phone surface under her palm but accidentally knocks it over. The phone continuing to ring as it falls and hits the floor startling Eliza by the loud bang as she crawls to the side of her bed and leans the upper-half of her body off the bedside reaching for her phone once again.

With one last ring does Eliza save the call by pressing to answer it and holds the device to her ear. "'ello?" Her voice barely understood, not being one for mornings.

"Hey I'm sorry to be calling you so early!" Her boss says over the line. How does he talk so full of energy at five in the morning?

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