Feel free to skip this chapter. It's an explanation and a bit of a life discovery.
Before I get to the juicy chunk of this chapter, lets take a minute to appreciate the gorgeous pictures on Unsplash. They're free for use but this one takes my breath away. After adding font and falling in love, I have decided to give the photographer credit. According to Unsplash, this was taken by Shifaaz Shamoon. Let's give credit to the parents too, because that name is ON POINT.
Okay, back to my actual point.
I have discovered recently that I am pretty good with writing novellas. It's just hard for me to write full length novels. This was a problem at first, or so I thought, until I realized that novellas (which is a story between 17 - 40 thousand words) are actually publishable. There are authors that are famous for writing novellas.
Hence my new goal; write a beautiful novella.
That's right, I'm going to take what I thought was a failure and turn it into something that I can use for my talent. I am planning for Split the Sea to be a novella, though things may change if I find myself getting sucked into a story that won't let go.
This is a genre that I don't investigate much. I don't do a lot of paranormal/horror/fantasy stories. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy this.
I plan on pushing effort into it. After my failure with #nanowrimo I have decided not to force myself to write. Doing that for three days actually fried my creativity. I didn't write for a full week after that. So, no more forcing. I will open up the tap of creativity and just let it flow.
Hopefully all goes as planned. If not, I will be so disappointed in myself. I'm so excited to start this story. It has so much potential and the vision in my head seems like a NYT bestselling plot. I have never read anything like this.
Things have been changing quite drastically in my life lately with my relationship with God. I have been feeling really close to Him lately and I feel like He is starting to give me inspiration. I know that my talent comes from Him and I intend to use it to show the beauty and glory of what we, His creations, can write. Wish me the best because that seems to add pressure on me, knowing that my Creator is watching everything I write.
(I don't apologize for the randomness there. I really feel different than I did a week ago)
Enjoy, vote, and comment.
That's an order.
Signing out, Aspiredforever.
Split the Sea
Short StoryThe house is full of water, from floor to ceiling. There's a dark creature trying to capture the two people trapped inside the walls. There's one way to escape. One way, and one escapee.