. collabing with the readers .

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I'm about to publish my last chapter for this book. I closed it all off because I want to do a fun challenge with you guys. This is for current readers and people who are reading in the future. if you're interested, just comment or DM me.

We are going to be giving this book alternate endings. A reader or a couple readers can help me write an alternate ending or rewrite an ending that they don't like, including mine. I am not perfect so there is stuff that could be done better in my last chapter. I am a bit rushed because I want to open this challenge up and I also want this story to be done. It's not that I hate it, I just don't want to drag it on.

So, when my last chapter pops up you can read it and decide whether or not you want to write another ending with me. All the endings will be posted and you will receive credit for writing it.

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