Chapter Five:

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 Chapter Five:

 Mack’s POV

    I got up at 4:30 and got ready for school, I was about to leave at 5:00. I didn’t care if I was really early for school; I couldn’t see Ron right now. I had bruises all over my body and face, it hurt to walk, I should of listen to Ron and got home on time, none of this would have happened.

      At 5:30 I got to school I walked into the building and saw Peter, of all people I didn’t want to deal with him now. “Hey Macey” he smiled creepily. “It’s Mack, not Macey.” I snapped at him. “Don’t be so crabby in the morning Mack. You don’t know what I know.” He smiled. “What are you talking about?” “Well I know about you and your ‘family.’ Tell me Macey how do you like going ‘home’ and getting raped by your ‘dad.’”

     My eyes went wide and my mouth dropped. “H-how did y-you know that?” I asked. “A little birdy told me.” He smiled. “Peter, don’t play games with me.” I snapped at him. “Nah uh Macey, Macey, Macey you are going to do what I say for now on.” He came over to me and rubbed my back, “P-peter-” “Unless you want your little secret to get out.” He cut me off. “I’m not falling for it, I’ll just deny what you say and say it was a silly rumor. No one will believe you” I pushed his hands off me and smiled at him, he looked dumbfounded.

     “Bet you didn’t think of that one.” I smiled and walked away, wow I’m glad I came up with that; I would have been in deep shit. I went to the restroom until we had 30 minutes until class started. I walked into Chemistry and sat in front of Kevin’s desk. 

     “Hey Mack!” Kevin said. “Why are you so happy?” I smiled. “Because my favorite student is here and I was going to die of boredom.” I looked at him… “Just pretend that I never said that about you being my favorite student. Even though it’s true.” I laughed at him.  We just talked about stuff until the bell rang.

 Kevin Straight’s POV

     Over the past months Mack has been here I can’t stop thinking about her and her smile, with her beautiful red long hair whoa, Kevin control yourself.  The bell rang and she went to her seat. I saw the students come in; Jenna still wasn’t here and Peter wasn’t either. I was pretty sure he was skipping this class because I saw him this morning.

     “Okay class today we are doing a lab so can you please go to your sta-“I got cut off with a knock on the door. “Come in!” I yelled. Peter walked in “Peter why are you late?” “Sorry sir I had to get this bucket for the coach but I can’t seem to find him.” he smiled. “So what are we doing in class sir?” he added.

     “Get to your seat and I will tell you what.” He went to sit down taking the bucket with him. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with that kid. “Okay guys pick your partners and get to a lab table. I saw Peter put his hand on Mack and they both stood up. Well more likely pulled Mack up. “Can I get everyone’s attention; I have an announcement to make.” Peter said. “Peter will you sit-“I was cut off by him throwing the water on Mack. She gasped at it and wiped her face. Peter pulled her hoodie off and I froze. There Mack was standing there in a tank top and jeans with bruises and cuts all over her arms and chest, from what I can see.

     “Mack here gets raped and beaten by her FOSTER dad every day after school. I saw it with my own eyes and this is the proof.” He smiled and pointed towards Mack.

     She took off running out the door. I went after her. Fuck I need someone to watch my class, I saw Mrs. Lopez standing there. “Mrs. Lopez can you watch my classes I’m in sort of a rush.” “Sure thing” I ran to the principle and told him the whole story. I’m gonna find Mack and figure out what happened.    

 Mack’s POV

     Crap, crap, crap, crap, I’m so dead when Ron figures out he is going to kill me. I can’t think of an excuse for that happening. Shit, now the whole school is going to know what Ron did to me. I’m so dead.  

     I stopped running after a while and sat on a bench. I brought my knees to my chest and cried. Should I go to Ron’s house or what? I got nowhere to go.

     I don’t know how long I was there for but I heard a car honk, I looked up and saw Ron there and he looked pissed. “Macey get over here now!!!” he yelled. I got up and went to him; he slapped me and I fell to the floor. “Why. The. Hell. Did. Your. School. Call. Me. About. Your. Bruises.” He said in-between kicks.

     He grabbed my hair and threw me in the car, “W-where ar-are w-we g-going?” I asked him. “Somewhere where they can never find you.” He smiled as I shivered in fear. What is going to happen to me? What does Kevin think about me now? Kevin.

(Thank You all for reading a HUGE thank you to @Arod905 I love all the support im getting from you thank you.)

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