Chapter Two:

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Chapter Two:

Mack’s POV


         I walked into my foster home, “Hi Ron.” I said quietly I learned to greet him when I walked in because if I didn’t he would hurt me twice as bad. I was still praying to God that Ron was doing something and wasn’t here. He walked right in front of me, “I need a good fuck right now, baby.” He said. “Ron please don’t.” I said quietly. Hoping he would listen to me just this once. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me to the floor. “Don’t. Fucking. Talk. Back. To. Me.” He said in-between kicks. Then he grabbed the same wrist and yanked me up and pulled me to his bed room.

 End of Flashback   

         The rest of the day ended slowly, once the last period bell rung Mr. Straight said, “Mack you have detention!” I thought he forgot about that but I guess he didn’t, I just stayed in my seat and waited for everyone else to leave.

 Mr. Straight’s POV

         I can’t stop thinking about Mack and that bruise on her wrist. Does she have more bruises on her? Who gave it to her? Why am I so worried about her? I’m her teacher! I snapped back at myself. We all know you like her. I’m going crazy. I shook my head of my confusing thoughts and said, “Mack, will you please come here.”

 Mack’s POV

         I got up slowly and walked to his desk and pulled a chair from the desk right next to it, “Yes sir?” I asked quietly, he took a deep breathe “Mack I need to know who did that to you and if you have any more bruises.” he said.

         He looked really concern about me but I can’t tell him about Ron, one Ron will kill me, two, I would have to move to a new foster home. “It’s nothing.” I replied trying to keep my voice even, I couldn’t let Mr. Straight figure out my change of moods.

         “Mack if someone hits you at hom-” “No, no I got in trouble at my house and well… I refused to come out of my room so my dad had to drag me out; he was upset at the time so his grip was a little too hard. But, I’m fine when he saw the bruise he kept saying he was sorry and he didn’t know his grip was that tight.” I cut him off speaking louder and quicker.

         "Are you sure?” he looked skeptical. “Yes, of course it was an accident, in fact he bugged me this entire morning saying how sorry he was; it was kind of annoying.” I said. “Okay Mack if you say that’s what happened than I believe you but if you ever need me here.” He handed me a yellow post-it with his phone number on it.  

         I took it and smiled at him, like a real smile. I feel like I can just be real with him. “So, tell me about yourself.” He asked me. “Ask me a question.” I said more confidently. “What’s with you and Peter?” he asked.

         “It’s a funny story actually… he said ‘hi’ and called me ‘baby,’ I hate when people call me ‘baby,’ then later on when I got up he tried to kiss me so I pushed him, and that is the wonderful story of Peter and I.” “Yeah Peter is one of those guys who all the girls are head over heels for him, I’m surprised you are not all over him.”

         “Please, I’m not here to make friends with anybody, just to do get all this science credit things and that’s it.” I said. “I’m confused a student IN HIGH SCHOOL isn’t here to make friends, why?” He asked.

 Mr. Straight’s POV    

         She looked at her bruised than took a deep breathe, “What’s the point of making new friends when you are just going to leave them any ways.” The bell rung and she picked up her bag. “Bye, Mr. Straight.” and she left. She was going to cry, she isn’t telling me the whole story on her bruise. I hope she is okay.

 Mack’s POV

        I ran home, what the hell was that? He could have figured it out! What the hell is wrong with you! I knew I was dead either way; Ron was going to kill me. I quietly walked into the house and shut the door.

         “Where the hell have you been bitch?!” Ron walked towards me, “I’m sorry I had detention.” I quietly said. “Detention, so you like to be a bad girl; don’t you?” he walked closer to me putting his hands on my stomach rubbing his hands up and down.

         “N- no, I- I was in class an- and I wasn’t paying attention.” I stuttered. “Macey, baby don’t be like that, I’m only going to give you what you want.” He said rubbing my back. Then like a switch he pushed me against the door and started sucking on my neck.

         “Ron-” “Shhh… Macey tell me in the bedroom.” He pulled me to the bedroom and threw me on the bed. “Ron… please” I begged letting a tear fall. I knew what came next; I shut my eyes and let him undress me.

         After he finished I got up and took a shower scrubbing myself raw; no matter how many showers I took I never felt clean. I felt dirty, I was dirty I am such a bad person, if I wasn’t then none of this stuff would happen to me. I only got a little bit of sleep that night but that’s always a given when you live here.

(Thank you for reading I love you guys!!)

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