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"Mei, I'm stepping out for a few hours so it will just be you and Yuzu; she is taking a nap right now but she should be getting up soon" Ume explained to her daughter. 

"Okay mother; we will see you when you return. Be safe" she spoke, watching her mother wave good bye, closing the door behind her.


Mei turned away from the door and walked into the living room. She sat down on the couch, gently. It was so quiet when Yuzu was sleeping or out of the apartment. Mei began to fidget where she sat. Her cheeks heating up. The thought of Yuzu saying her name or just her presence sent chills down her spine. She bit her bottom lip, hard causing herself to wince. 

Mei got up from the couch and moved towards the bathroom. She stopped mid way to the bathroom and noticed their bedroom door open a slight crack. 

"I should see if Yuzu needs anything" she thought. 

Mei made her way to the door and looked inside to see a sleeping Yuzu. She creped inside as quietly as possible. She sat down next to the slumbering teen. Mei felt her heart pick up speed. The way Yuzu looked while she slept; even when her sister was awake; Yuzu had this way with her. She made her feel loved. Mei felt needed and cared for.  

Mei froze when she felt her sister moving in her sleep. She remained calm and watched her, closely. She looked so peaceful but there was this expression that Mei couldn't shake off.

She looked like she needed something. Yuzu's cheeks were a slight pink. Mei couldn't help it but reach her hand out. She ran her fingers through her hair, slowly causing the blonde let out a soft moan. 

Mei felt her heart racing. These feelings for her step sister were taboo to her. Mei rose to her feet and made her way out of the bedroom. She closed the door behind her, leaning against it. Mei clenched her chest, lightly. 

Her feelings for Yuzu were deep. She never felt this way for someone. Also being her step sister. It was wrong to feel this way...right?

The raven haired girl was questioning her whole world at this point. 

"I want to kiss her....touch her; I want to explore every part of Yuzu" she confessed to herself. The weight was heavy on her. A burden; it almost felt like.  Mei felt like she was slow dancing in the dark, almost.

It was time to express her feelings for Yuzu. Her sister deserved to know. Every day that passed where Yuzu questioned Mei's feelings for her. It pained Mei. She felt horrible for not being able to muster up the courage to tell her. But maybe this time, she could. 


Yuzu finally awoke from her long nap.  She sat up and yawned. Rubbing her eyes, she heard the door open, slowly. 

"Can I come in?"

"Mmm yeah, Mei" she mumbled, tiredly. 

Mei walked, slowly inside the bedroom. She sat down next to her sister and spoke. 

"How was your nap? You were out for awhile" she explained.

Yuzu smiled, sleepily and nodded. 

"Mmm it was nice; sorry for being asleep for so long, Mei" she apologized to her.

Mei shook her head. "No need to apologize" she explained. 

The two soon sat in silence for a moment. The air was paper thin and the two felt they both were walking on egg shells. Yuzu cleared her throat.


Just like that; Mei quickly made her move. She was focused on her goal. Yuzu would understand these feelings. Hoping her step sister would accept them.

Yuzu made eye contact with her sister and felt her heart leap from her chest, almost.  Mei was sitting in her lap. This serious expression played across her face.

"Mei!?! Ahh so close! Too close!" She screamed to herself.

"Yuzu?" Mei asked. Her voice almost a whisper.

Blinking, Yuzu froze in place.

"Y-yeah?" She blurred out.

"I want you to understand that I am being very direct and want you to understand my feelings for-" she paused. Cheeks hued bright pink. Her purple eyes finding Yuzu's green ones.


The energy in the bedroom changed. It shifted from tense thin air to a heavy aura of sexual desire and pure fancy.

Yuzu stared at Mei for what seemed like hours but it was only five minutes.


"Ah!-Mei!-um please continue and I will listen" Yuzu felt those words fall from her lips too quickly. But her nerves were shot.

This was a new side of Mei that Yuzu has never seen.

Was Yuzu prepaired to understand Mei's feelings?


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