Butterflies [Kira x Odo]

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I slowly sipped at my raktajino, an overwhelming sea of thoughts racing through my head. Shoot, Sisko wants that report done by tomorrow. What's Winn up to? Probably nothing at the moment, but it wouldn't hurt to look into it. I wonder where Odo is --

"Major Kira." Startled, I whirled around with a slight gasp to see a familiar Changeling staring into my eyes.

"Odo, I --"

"I didn't mean to frighten you," he interrupted, "I'm sorry."

"It's all right, I just wasn't expecting you here," I chuckled. "Please, have a seat." He cautiously sat down, glaring at the level below.

"Jake and Nog are down there," he almost growled, "I hope they aren't causing any trouble."

"Oh, they're fine," I reassured him. "How've you been?"

He folded his hands on the table, turning to face me. "I've been very busy of late, very... deep in thought. And you?"

I suddenly felt this feeling of weightlessness in my stomach, like I was sick. I decided to blow it off for the time being, since it was probably just hunger. "I've been too deep in thought. Overwhelmed by myself, you could say," I chuckled. The feeling persisted. My heart was about to pound itself out of my chest, and I knew I was going to throw up. "Excuse me for a moment, I'm not feeling well." Odo nodded in approval as I darted out of the Promenade.


"Ah, Major," Doctor Bashir greeted me as I walked into the infirmary. "What seems to be the trouble?"

"I don't really know," I replied, shaking my head, "It's almost like I'm nauseous, but it's different." He whipped out his tricorder and began to scan me.

He scanned me for a moment then, rubbing his chin, he said, "Your heart rate is a little high, but otherwise there's nothing wrong. You've just got butterflies." He shut his tricorder closed. "You, Kira Nerys, are in love."

"I am not in love!" I protested. "I never was!"

He smiled, leaning in. "Who's the lucky man?"

I sighed, rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Nobody."

Upon my saying this, his grin widened. "You should go talk to him about how you feel."

"Are you nuts?! I can't just walk up to him and say 'I love you, Odo!'" I protested, then realized what I had said. I sat frozen, eyes downcast, the horror of Julian Bashir, of all people, knowing who I was hopelessly in love with washing over me.

His lips pressed together in a tight line, having regretted his suggestion. "Well, just... talk to him and, uh... see what he does. I'll see you soon." He smiled as I left the room, rolling my eyes.


Just as I sat down in my quarters, someone had rang my door. Sighing softly so my visitor didn't hear, I restrained myself from lashing out, saying, "Come in."

My Changeling crush entered the room, and I immediately noticed that he was wearing his belt. "I like that belt on you, Constable. You should keep it," I suggested.

"Major, I have some things I'd like to discuss with you." I froze in horror, holding my breath and avoiding any further eye contact. He knows...oh sh--

In that moment, he began to speak. "The rate of break-ins has increased by a factor of ten percent. I'd like you to help me set up any necessary security measures." I had to tell myself not to sigh in relief, but that did no good. I let out a loud huff and an additional,

"Thank goodness!"

"Was there something else you wished to tell me?" he asked me, raising an eyebrow and leaning in.

"Odo, I--" I stopped myself, rethinking what I was about to say. "I haven't been happy with Shakaar lately. He seems to have been hiding things from me, and... I'm considering breaking up with him. But I've known someone on this station who I've been friends with as long as I can remember, and... I think I love him, too."

"Major, I can --"

"Please, Odo... call me Nerys." I planted a small kiss on his cheek and walked out of the room as I felt a hand grab my wrist and pull me back. Our lips crashed into one another's, our tongues exploring each other with passion. Those butterflies, as Julian called them, filled my stomach once again, but I ignored them and simply pulled away from my lover.

"It's getting late. Good night, Nerys," he said to me awkwardly, hands behind his back.

I simply smirked and said in reply as I took his hand in mine, "Who said we had to go to sleep?"

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