Writer's Block [Jake Sisko x Reader]

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"God damn it, (Y/N), think!" You slammed your fists on your desk, doing everything in your power not to break down and cry. You were stuck on the last chapter for a week now; longer than you had ever been. On anything, for that matter. You had been working on this story for the past five months; why now, of all times, to run out of ideas?

"(Y/N), are you all right?" A voice asked. "I heard you yelling as I was passing by."

"My story won't be if I can't think of something!" You held your head in your hands, your vision blurred with tears.

"I mean, I'm no doctor, but I think you've got a bad case of writer's block," Jake chuckled as he sat down. "How long has this been going on?"

"An entire week, Jake. A week."

"There's no need to get upset. C'mere." He motioned for you to sit next to him; you obeyed and he wrapped his arms around you. "I understand how you feel. Maybe you should take a break for a while."

"I'm leaving for the Academy soon. If I don't finish by then --"

He cut you off by placing a finger over your lips. "You're pressuring yourself. That'll just make it worse."

"Wait...that's it!"

"You got something?"

"V'Kara finally convinces herself to kill Torak as he had asked of her...but to her love interest's surprise, instead of putting the knife through his heart, she locks herself into a kiss with him while stabbing herself..."

"...making for a very angsty ending," Jake finished. "That's great, (Y/N). I don't think I ever would have thought of that." There was a short pause. "You want to test it out? Just...without the death and stuff."

"Gladly." You closed the distance between you. His lips were softer than clouds, and the passion he channeled into that moment was unbelievably strong.

"Jake-o, I've been looking for you everywhere -- oh..." The two of you broke apart, blushing. Jake had a panicked look on his face as he looked up to meet his father's eyes, while you suddenly found the floor quite interesting. "Sorry to interrupt you two," he chuckled, "Carry on."

Your eyes met Jake's once again, which caused him to utter one word to you before kissing you once again: "Gladly."

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