Fluff 😇

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This chapter will be a fluff because we all need something sweet after the lemon😋. this will Also all be in nobody's pov

Fell: italic
Classic: normal

Nobody's pov
Fell woke up to Classic in his arms sleeping. Fell nudged Classic a little as an attempt to wake him up which he succeeded in doing, "hmm" Classic lazily hummed " ya gotta get up" "five more minutes" "no, come on get up" " *sigh* fine". Classic stood up but fell back down "oww" "what happened?" Classic pointed at his pelvis as he blushed a light blue out of embarrassment, "aww, did I go to rough on ya sweetheart~" "s-shut up!" Classic yelled as his blush darkened "fine I'll stop~" "whatever, I'm hungry can we go to the kitchen?" "you gotta get dressed first sweetheart~" "you dress me" "dress yourself " Fell said as he dressed himself "thanks to you I can't" "*sigh* fine* Fell said as he went to help classic get dressed. As soon as classic was dressed he went back to sleep, Fell than picked up Classic and headed downstairs to the living-room. When Fell was downstairs he dropped Classic on the floor next to the couch on purpose, "oww" " I told you to get up" " fuck you" "I already did that for you~". Classic blushed a dark blue and crossed his arms like a babybones, " sit on the couch or something " "nah I'll stay on the floor" " stop being so god damn stubborn " "nope". Classic just sat there giving Fell a sly grin until he picked him up (Bridal style) "than you'll just have to sit in my arms~" Fell said as he walked to the kitchen and grabbed a ketchup bottle along with a mustard bottle knowing that Classic wanted the ketchup. Fell than sat Classic down on the couch and sat next to him " can I have my ketchup now?" "not until you do something" "what?" "close your eyes and open your mouth" "why?" "just do it" as Classic did what he was told Fell squirted mustard into his mouth. (ya dirty sinners 😜) "Eww, why did you do that!" "no reason, here's your ketchup" Fell said as he passed Classic his ketchup, Classic quickly drank some of the ketchup trying to drown out the taste of Fell's mustard. "R-red" "yeah Classic" "d-do you love me?" "of course I do" "prove it" "I can't prove it, but I know for a fact I'll drink all the ketchup in the world for you". Classic blushed than smirked as an idea came to mind "than do it" "do what" "drink ketchup" "why?!" "cuz you said you would, and because you made me drink your gross mustard" "*sigh* fine". Fell grabbed the ketchup bottle and drank a little bit nearly choking on it before passing it back to Classic who was laughing his ass off, "never make me do that again" "never make me drink mustard again "ok", after Fell said that he kissed Classic and spent the rest of the day cuddling, kissing, flirting, and punning around with Classic~.

I DID IT, I FINALLY GOT ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE. It's kinda short in my opinion but hey who cares😄

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