part 3 finally

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sorry for the long wait! like I said I had to get over my dog, than I kinda got lazy and my friends had to  persuade me to actually make another chapter which I'll now gladly do. Once again sorry for the long wait!

Fell: normal

Classic: italic

nobody's POV:

Classic was snuggled up to Fell on the couch, he had woken up a while ago and was to lazy to move. "planning on getting up anytime soon?" "nah" "not even for food?" "nope, I'm comfortable right here" "what about Grillby's?" classic shook his head no as he was already too lazy to talk "what if I pay?" classic took a moment to think before replying with a "fine". Classic and Fell both got up to get ready,once they both were ready they started to head out the door, Classic almost instantly grabbed Fell's hand. Fell chuckled as he noticed a cute light blue blush on his face a placing a small kiss on his skull darkening his blush a bit "that blush on your face is adorable" "hush" Classic said pressing a finger to Fell's "mouth" silencing him with a giggle. Fell and Classic had made it to Grillby's and sat down in there usual seats, once Grillby saw them he walked over to them asking what they wanted to order. Classic got ketchup with (food of choice cuz idk) and Fell getting mustard with (food of choice), "bleh....why do you like mustard so much?" " why do you like ketchup so much?" Fell replied slyly "well played...well played" Classic said before he and fell broke into a laughing fit

        ~~~~~~Le Small Tem Skip~~~~~~~

Classics POV:

Me and Fell had just finished eating so Fell payed like he said and we headed out. "wanna go home or do something else?" "we can go to the park?" "sure",I held Fell's hand as we headed to the park, once there we sat at a bench as I lent my head on his shoulder. Fell wrapped a hand around my waist causing me to blush lightly "how cute" he cooed as he kissed my cheek lightly deepening my blush. "hey fell" "hm?" "wont your bro be mad that you didn't come home?" "probably, dont worry about it" "but what if he hurts you again?!" "I can try to stay away from him as long as I can to avoid it, I'll be fine" I just looked at him with worry, I dont want his brother to hurt him every time he does Fell nearly dies its very worrying! Fell must of noticed the worry in my face because he kissed me telling me hell be fine and calming me down, "thanks, you sure you'll be fine" "yes I'm sure dont worry" I guess I'm just gonna have to take his word for it...

~~~~~Another Le Tem Skip~~~~~

Me and Fell had just got back home because it was getting late, I imminently face planted into the couch "oh my god I'm never leaving the couch again!"  "you agreed to leaving the house" Fell said as he sat next to me " you're the one who persuaded me to leave!" " we could of come back sooner but you wanted to go to the park and eat nice cream" Fell said with a chuckle, "you win this argument but I'll win someday" " keep dreaming" "I will" I giggled a bit at our dumb argument as Fell pulled me onto his lap. "what are you doing?" "trying to get you to shut up" "how you gonna do that?" I said looking up at him with a sly look "like this~" Fell leaned in and kissed me,I blushed a dark blue as I gladly kissed back, he than pulled away panting a bit "did it work" he said with a chuckle "fine..." I than began to snuggle into his grip as we watched TV. some time has passed and fell has fallen asleep with me on his lap, I decided to go to the fridge and get my ketchup, as soon as I got it I took a big gulp of it. I than went upstairs and got a blanket for me and read because THERE IS NO WAY IN GONNA DRAG HIM UPSTAIRS! I sat back down on his lap and pulled the blanket over us as I continued to drink my ketchup and watch TV and soon drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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