Remember Part 2

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1918. April. Washington.
Marceline Mayhue

The longer I walked down the rainy roadway, the more I wished I had worn boots under my heavy dress. I silently cursed my father for insisting to my mother I would be fine. While I had technically been the one to argue that I should be allowed to fetch the horses, I hadn't realized it was rainng quite so heavy. Soon enough, the rain had begun to soak through my tights and I turned off the roadway into the trees. I laughed as I ran under the trees to get away from the rain, and instead was met with more water coming down onto my head from the drooping leaves. I continued to walk through the trees as the rain came down. I figured if I walked long enough I could cut through the trees and come out the other side and circle back home and wait for the rain to stop. Instead, I ventured deeper into the trees.

It felt like I had been walking for hours when the rain finally let up. I had managed to get lost in the trees and fear grew inside me. If I hadn't made it home before dark then my parents would go off on a frenzy. I knew my father would gather a group to find me. I decided I would stop and wait when the hem of my dress caught on something and I fell. I cried out in pain as I hit the ground.

"Are you okay?" A voice spoke and I screamed loudly.

I had thought I was alone. If someone had seen me fall then they must have been following me, knowingly hidden from my sight. I looked around helplessly to find a boy older than me hiding in the trees. I screamed again and suddenly he was next to me.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he insisted.

The last thing I saw before I passed out were his golden eyes.

1918. April. Washington.
Edward Cullen.

She fainted, I thought to myself. I hadn't meant to scare her. I was still adjusting to my new found abilities. I knew Carlisle would berate me for exposing myself to a human. I had been watching her walk deeper and deeper into the trees before I realized she was lost. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her cheeks were flushed pink from the cold. If I just take her back to the road before she wakes up, then she'll think she imagined it all, I told myself as I picked her up in my arms.

1918. May. Washington.
Marceline Mayhue.

It had been a week since I had collapsed in the rain. I had woken to Mr. Martin, fathers work friend, carrying me towards my home. They told me I had slipped on the wet road and hit my head. I couldn't shake those golden eyes from my mind. I couldn't have imagined him.

My mother had finally allowed me to leave the house, after promising her again and again that I wouldn't go very far. I went directly into the trees behind our home and walked until I stumbled across a large open meadow. I couldn't help the smile that came across my face as I looked at all the flowers.

1918. May. Washington.
Edward Cullen.

Carlisle warned me about interracting with the humans. He said that the girl, Marceline, had woken up talking about cold hands and golden eyes. Luckily, Carlisle had convinced her parents that it was probably shock from fainting in the cold.

I couldn't believe that I had managed to come across her again. I was careful to avoid her home, per Carlisles orders, but to see her walk into the meadow and the bright smile that lit across her face was too good to be true.

I would just be careful not to scare her this time.

1918. November. Washington.
Edward Cullen.

I laughed as Marceline spun around in the snow. She was wearing one of my heavier coats after I insisted the snow would get her sick. I only laughed when she commented that I would get sick if I gave her my jacket.

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