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My thirst was controlled for the time being as I ran through the heavy brush. I kept the treaty line tucked away in the back of my head and tried to recall if it applied to me.

One of the perks of being an indestructible undead monster was being able to multitask. This was something, if I remembered correctly, that I hadn't been very skilled with before I turned.

I had nearly gone into the reservations territory before I made up my mind.

So maybe there were human qualities that I had carried over. Such as: not being able to multitask well.

My last name, for all intents and purposes, was Cullen. That meant the La Push treaty directly applied to my so-called family and I. I circled back around towards the supply store and took the back roads to the large house Rosalie had described to me. As I neared the clearing, I decided I would walk the rest of the way.

It was a Friday afternoon, which meant the rest of the Cullens were out and about continuing their human appearance to the rest of Forks. The idea that they believed they could fit in normally with those around them was laughable but admired none the less. It had been years since I had seen my clan, or family, I suppose. As they had insisted time and time again they were a family and I was just as much a part of it as any of the others. I tried to recall the last time I had stayed with them. Had it been in Alaska? It must've been decades ago. I sighed out loud to myself.

Things had always been rocky between us. They never intended for it to be that way, and to be fair I got along wonderfully with most of them. I missed them from time to time, but it had been decades since I had stayed with them permanently. Perhaps I could settle here for a few years. I desperately missed the sun, whether it was shielded nearly constantly by the cloudy weather.

When I finally came across the house I couldn't help but smile. It had Esme written all over it. From the large windows to the wooden frames, it looked like something straight from the magazines she seemed to indulge herself in. Part of me wondered whether I was supposed to knock or not, but I decided against it and instead rapped on the door frame a couple times as I entered the house.

For a moment I couldn't be sure if anyone was home or not, but I saw a kind face peek around the top of the stairs. When she realized who it was she practically flew down the stairs to me. I happily accepted her embrace and wrapped her in a warm hug.

"Hi mom," I greeted her as she carefully looked over my torn jeans and wild hair.

When Esme first came into my life, I had rejected her very existence. Carlisle had tried to explain again and again why she had came to them, but I wouldn't hear it until it came from her. At first she was distant and depressed, that is, until Carlisle introduced Edward and I to her. All she had ever wanted was children, and I would do everything in my power to provide her with that.

"Your eyes, darling," she said as she took my face in her hands.

Most mothers worried over where their children were staying at night, or who they were dating and partying with, but Esme...she had always fussed over my eating habits. While I didn't necessarily oppose their choice to abstain from human blood, I didn't fully understand it either. We were born into this new life for a reason, whatever reason that may be, and we were born different for a reason. Stronger, faster, inhumanly beautiful. I wasn't sure what everyone's take on our 'diet' was, but I believed to draw human blood was our way of being who we were. It's what made us so strong. So powerful. Unstoppable.

"I haven't taken anyone from your land, mother, I promise," I said as I drew a hand across the grand piano.

She didn't push the issue and instead watched quietly as I ran my fingers over the smooth ivory keys.

"That's Edwards, you know," she said hesitantly.

Before she could continue I withdrew my hand quickly and let it fall to my side. I cleared my throat and moved my hair from my face. She looked deep in thought as she waited for me to either respond to her statement or drop the conversation completely. Edward was a rather...sore subject.

"Marceline...It's been ages since you two have-"

I cut her off with a wave of my hand and smiled.

"So, where's everyone?" I asked as I looked over the pictures on the walls.

I frowned when I hadn't seen any of myself. It really had been a long time since I've been around.

"," she wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Do they know you're here?"

"I phoned Rose last night," I explained, "Is Edward not around? I'd assumed he would have heard."

"No, he's...busy usually," Esme looked lost in thought once again, "Rose and him aren't always on the best of terms."

I simply nodded and smiled. He wasn't easy to get along with. Neither was Rosalie, I suppose.

"You should shower hun," Esme said sweetly, "Borrow some of Alice's clothes, or Rosalie. I'm not sure whose style suits you more."

I felt guilty when she said that. It had been so long since I've been around. I let old memories take over and withdrew from the ones who didn't deserve anything but love. I hugged Esme again, briefly, before I disappeared upstairs. I let the warm water wash away all my doubts about coming here. I wanted to stay and be with them again, at least for a while, but was it the right decision?

School should be out soon. I missed my family, but I didn't know if I could face Edward. Hopefully he would get the hint once he got here and stay away.


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